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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. What, in your opinion, is a good source of mainstream news? Is there one? (or is "good mainstream news" an oxymoron?) Also, I enjoyed how you got creative with a word you had no idea how to spell.
  2. I'm with ya there too. I would qualify as liberal on most social issues (especially among those around here). However, I've been spending a lot of breath lately speaking with liberal minded people, trying to stick up for Freedom of Speech (that's the big one). I agree with many people on this forum that a lot of liberals have been overreacting and making fools of themselves. Some examples: - Don't be the person who sees a fan dressed as bacon and starts tweeting that it's blatant anti-Semitism. That's ridiculous. - When a pitcher in baseball gets his third strikeout of the game and fans are holding up three K's, that doesn't mean that there is a racist conspiracy happening through network broadcasts of major league baseball--it's just three strikeouts. That's ridiculous. - If you are a student or faculty member at a university, if someone is scheduled to speak that you don't like (or even find repulsive), it's not your duty as a citizen to prevent that, at all costs, from happening. Quite the opposite.
  3. Well said. I can’t find the quote now, but I think it was Camus who said something to the effect that politics is essentially the task of making moral issues which are really quite simple seem extremely complicated in order to divide people and make them feel confused and scared, to the advantage of those politicians who make lucrative careers out of professionally politicizing everything. (please forgive the clumsy paraphrasing) I mean, it’s not exactly a controversial idea. I think it’s well understood across the board. But it’s beneficial to say it out loud as often as possible… The vast majority of regular people of this world want reasonable things for themselves and their families. The hotheads and ideologues have forever been sucking all the oxygen out of the room. This phenomenon has always existed but has become significantly worse with the advent of the internet and social media and junk news for profit on a grand scale.
  4. That was a nasty head injury. All the news mentions are just speculation about whether he’ll be back next season, etc.. I hope he’s ok and we can hear/see a positive update soon.
  5. My father likes to wear sneakers in the pool
  6. Hammocks? My goodness, what an idea! Why didn’t I think of that? There’s four places. There’s “The Hammock Hut,” that’s on Third. There’s “Hammocks R Us,” that’s on Third too. You got “Put Your Butt There.” Let’s see, that’s on Third. “Swing Low Sweet Chariot.” That’s...wait a minute, they’re all in the same complex, it’s the hammock complex down on Third.
  7. Ok, I agree with this. But is it ok to have a little secret wish to one day see on TV an image of Jared Kushner being taken away in handcuffs? I would settle for that.
  8. This is good stuff. How you make it about straight white men is a whackadoodle paranoid gem. Also, the false equivalency is pretty glaring! We're talking about the President of the United States regularly throwing tantrums on twitter, acting like a crabby 4 year old. Would you accept behavior like that from the CEO of the company you work for? From your kid's teacher? From your own kid? It's not the same thing at all as "pretending no one has ever insulted anyone ever." It's a ridiculous comparison and, again, an embarrassingly dumb fallacy. When someone brings up Jeffrey Dahmer, do you say, "aw come on, what's the big deal? It's not like nobody ever gets a little hungry for a snack between meals."
  9. True. I would have been more interested to hear Scaramucci's thoughts on whether or not this counts as a successful "Self-Bannoning" based on his previous comments.
  10. No worries. Aaron will get around those lousy local politicians and crooked administrators if he has to go around, looping around to the outside, all the way around the problem. [sorry, I don't feel good about that. I really do like & respect the guy. I just couldn't resist.]
  11. Just checked: Scaramucci: Author’s claim that Trump didn’t want to win election is ‘nonsense’ Coulter: Bannon’s comments on the Trump Tower meeting ‘completely insane’
  12. No, your point is that many liberal minded people are delusional because they’re seeing nazis where there are none and, therefore, their behavior should not be forgiven. It’s a different point. I happen to agree with you for the most part, but it’s not the same.
  13. I'm excited about the possibility of joining the ranks of teams that get more than one primetime game per year.
  14. Sure, ok "a lot of people" do a lot of things. And it's right to call them out when they do ****ty things. That's my point. A lot of people behaving badly (aka "down in the dirt culture") does not make behaving badly a good thing. Very basic fallacy that has been in play too much lately. row_33 still apparently wants to defend this asinine argument so as not to tarnish the image of his petulant tweeting child king.
  15. Where did she say that? I think you made that part up. Dilly dilly.
  16. Another example of behavior that is indefensible. I'm glad she lost her job. Absolutely ****ty of her to post that. I don't think it's representative at all of regular sensible people (conservatives and liberals) who actually care more about being good people than getting caught up in the trenches of closed-minded ideological tantrum-throwing. However, your argument about it being a "down in the dirt culture" making it ok to act like an !@#$? Still absolutely 100% lame. If you can't see the fallacy, I'm sorry for you. It's not ok to act like an !@#$. It's not ok when my 6 year old daughter does it. It's not ok for liberals or conservatives or independents. It's especially not ok for people in positions of power & leadership.
  17. Lame defense. It's the same "everybody's doing it" argument that doesn't fly even for little kids when they get caught behaving badly. It's entirely reasonable for people to expect the potus to not act like a petulant a-hole. I won't debate his accomplishments. I'll grant that he has successfully pushed his agenda in certain areas and, for that, you can say he has been successful. But his general behavior is an embarrassment. He proves himself petty and ignorant and vindictive and small on a regular basis. That part of it is not really defensible in my opinion.
  18. Yeah, this rollercoaster ride is not stopping any time soon.
  19. I guess that makes you a world class golf course.
  20. Hope all goes well with the surgery and a quick recovery.
  21. It's absolutely perfect that PPP would take a nice idea from TSW and turn it into something that is all negative. I couldn't imagine a more fitting tribute for this place.
  22. The Luck idea is not so crazy. If the right deal presents and the shoulder checks out, I could see it being good.
  23. Three ONEs and a TWO? Hell no!
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