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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Tuesday 5/25, 7:30pm ET. It’s streaming on ESPN3.com. Of course my internet provider (Earthlink) is not supported, so maybe I’ll try to find some other stream. I wish it was on regular ESPN. I'm really curious to see who is looking sharp for S.Africa.
  2. Yeah, the look of that scene really stood out and was stylistically very cool. Flying falcon-punch cliffside kung fu showdown. Awesome!
  3. Anybody else have LOST dreams all night?
  4. I absolutely loved it! I too got choked up when Vincent laid down next to Jack. Also when Jack sees the plane fly overhead. Then, after it was over I was thinking about some of the scenes and I remembered Hurley telling Sayid that others don’t get to decide for you if you’re a good person or not—it’s up to you to decide who you are. That struck me as having not only huge significance but big emotional power too. Just beautifully done in my opinion. A great tribute to all the characters we came to care about so much.
  5. Maybe I'm the winner and maybe I am'nt, but there are a couple things I think we can all agree on: 1. I've had a little bit to dringk and 2. I am the winner of this goddamm threeadd.
  6. I believe you're talking about Ronaldinho. He was the worldwide player of the year a couple years ago. I can't explain the collapse.
  7. Yeah, I’m getting really excited for this. I have fond memories of the final episodes of M*A*S*H, Cheers, Sopranos. I think Lost is bigger than all these for me.
  8. I'm sure you'll be safe with that. I'll be doing the same thing. I think I'll probably record the Kimmel thing too and watch that the next day.
  9. The problem with the Bills was never Josh Reed. He played his role very well. He converted a lot of third downs into first downs while he was here.
  10. ...the sweat of the Jonas Brothers. It’s a recipe that was given to him by Just Jack. Just Jack discovered it during his time in a Turkish prison where he served 5 hard long years after being arrested for...
  11. Word. Although, I do enjoy having an elaborate contraption of hooks and elastic straps secretly going on inside my pants. But that has nothing to do with looking professional. By the way, I did not mean to steal your avatar idea. I guess we can chalk it up to Great Minds Think Alike.
  12. Reminds me of when I tried to pitch my idea for an erotic thriller told from the point of view of Einstein’s wife, titled “!@#$ Me, Genius.” Hollywood was not ready.
  13. Yup. I would not put it past them to introduce a strange new twist even at this final hour. Some element to the whole island mystery that we have not even considered. Or maybe not, who knows. I’ve had some strange Lost-themed dreams lately.
  14. I hope in the finale that Desmond goes inside the source and there’s a switch in there, kind of like on the Krusty the Clown doll, that is set to either GOOD or EVIL. He switches all humanity it over to GOOD and everybody lives happily ever after.
  15. I know. Sounds like kind of a ripoff. You could interpret that to include just about everybody. What about all the people that died in both plane crashes? Jacob's list of candidates in his cave includes hundreds of poor shmucks. If Jacob is being honest about his whole plan, then you could definitely argue that he has been extremely sloppy and careless with human lives.
  16. Ha! I have a moral GPS, two road maps and a light-up globe. I know which way is right and left from wrong and which side of the road is buttered when the wind is blowing. Where did Wawrow’s silly little compass get him? Disqualified and sent to Canada. Dumbass!
  17. You’re all talking about gorgonzola cheese when clearly it’s brie time, baby! I will be the winner of this thing.
  18. From Lostpedia's episode summary... Not exactly specific, but I think we are to take from it that they died as a part of this candidate process to, essentially, save the world.
  19. I've wondered about that too. I've read somewhere that he may have had a similar injury on the island just before the nuke detonation, but I don't recall it.
  20. That's why you will never win this thing: no stamina. Winner = me (all night long...and party ev-er-y day)
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