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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I’m sure there are hundreds. My first impression of an album is often wrong. These are the ones I can think of right now... Led Zeppelin – Presence. Back in high school, I thought it was weak. Now it’s the only Zeppelin record that seems to have aged well. Talking Heads – Remain in Light. I don’t know why, but I used to not like it. Now I think it’s a masterpiece. Silver Jews – Bright Flight. I love the Silver Jews. When this album came out, I thought it was a huge disappointment. Now after a few years I think it’s great. Flaming Lips – The Soft Bulletin. I was pissed that their guitarist, Ronald Jones, left the band. When this album came out, it was a completely different sound for them. Instead of the guitar sound I was used to, it was all synth-ey and it sounded wimpy and stupid to me. I came to love it.
  2. I drank a whole bottle of wine while watching the Celtics / Lakers game.
  3. Weird. Speaking of coincidences and Lost and amusement parks, I actually had a dream last night that Lost had a reunion episode where everybody came back to the Island and they turned the whole island into an amusement park. There was a rollercoaster called Jack the Ripper. Stupid, but true.
  4. I guess I never really had a chance, considering your superior funding/connections/resources.
  5. That’s a great one! I love Barton Fink. It would be in my top Five Coen Bros. movies. Thematically (life of the body vs. life of the mind, the nature and burden of creativity, etc...) it’s incredibly rich. And the plot remains a mystery. Beautifully done. In contrast, their latest, A Serious Man, kind of fell a little flat for me. It also leaves a lot of unanswered questions and the plot seems secondary to some Big Ideas. But this one, unlike Barton Fink, didn’t come together as well in my opinion. Anyway, I agree that they are insanely talented writers. I've spent some time reading through some of their shooting scripts. Without exception, the words absolutely jump off the page. Every scene is great.
  6. If I had to pick one word to describe this thread, I think it would be “celestial.” If I had to pick just one kind of dance to express myself, it would definitely be Interpretive... with lots of finger snapping.
  7. I'm proud of you too, but I'm totally tripping out on mescaline right now.
  8. I know I don't say this enough Beerball, but I'm proud of you.
  9. Just two days to go before the games start! I'm so excited, I (as they say here in Georgia) almost can't hardly stand it. Here's why my girlfriend is cool: She suprised me yesterday with an authentic USMNT jersey. The blue one with the white stripe. Oh man, this is gonna be awesome!
  10. plowing the field crushed underfoot... plum blossoms
  11. If I win this thread, will somebody just declare crayonz the winner anyway?
  12. Last night I watched Robert Altman’s 3 Women. It’s the second time I’ve seen it. I can’t say I understand it any more after the second viewing, but I love it anyway. It’s a weird moody film that involves characters behaving strangely, blurred identity, primitive archetypes, fuzzy dream logic and when it’s over you don’t know what the hell just happened, but at the same time it all makes perfect sense. Anybody else a fan of mind !@#$ movies like this? Movies that play out like a fever dream, that defy rational explanation, but somehow still work? David Lynch has a few of these. Fellini’s 8 ½ is like this. Another recent example that I like a lot was Michael Haneke’s Caché. Anybody else like movies that inspire thought and discussion but can never really be explained?
  13. Yeah, I think we heard something about that.
  14. Before somebody started deleting posts.
  15. If they both finish first in their groups (very likely), they would meet in the semifinals on July 6. If they both finish second in their groups (never happen) they would meet in the semifinals on July 7. If one finishes first and the other second, then they would meet in the final. Man, I'm ready to watch some soccer! One team I'll definitely be watching is the Netherlands. I don't think they'll make it all the way, but they always play fun, fearless, offensive soccer. Aw, who am I kidding? I'll be watching all the teams.
  16. So, is it the 23rd reply (24th post) or is it really the 23rd post (22nd reply)?
  17. This is the first post of the rest of my life.
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