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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. So, do you think we’ll ever see anything come of those decades spent toiling in secrecy? Supposedly there were a number of completed works found after he died. I kind of thought we’d hear something about it by now. Maybe the silence says something about the quality.
  2. And the award for Country Music artist of the year goes to...
  3. It goes like this... a) greatest number of points obtained in all group matches; b) goal difference in all group matches; c) greatest number of goals scored in all group matches. If two or more teams are equal on the basis of the above three criteria, their rankings will be determined as follows: d) greatest number of points obtained in the group matches between the teams concerned; e) goal difference resulting from the group matches between the teams concerned; f) greater number of goals scored in all group matches between the teams concerned; g) drawing of lots by the FIFA Organizing Committee. linky
  4. Ok, what are the rules for winning this thread?
  5. Yup. And if they're capable of getting a draw against the US, they might be able to get a draw against England too. Then you have three teams all with 5 points. And everybody has to look at how many goals did we beat Algeria by.
  6. Actually, the US would have 5 points in that scenario (2 draws and a win) and would get through. Maybe I overstated the importance of a win over Slovenia. A draw would not be the end of the world, but it would make things complicated. Also, where would the team's confidence be if they can not beat Slovenia? Of the two games remaining, this one seems more crucial to get the win (since Slovenia already has 3 points).
  7. That's correct. USA could still get through, but they would need help.
  8. For team USA, a win on Friday against Slovenia is critical. No matter how you slice it in group C, this is the game where anything less than a win will be deadly. Slovenia is sitting there with 3 points right now. If USA gives them a point in this game, they can pretty much book their ticket home. They absolutely need to get three points in this one. If they can’t do that, they will deserve to go home early.
  9. Secretly drink more than is reasonable Sat. night. Then, pass off your Sunday morning hangover as "some kind of virus I think." Nobody will want you around a crowd of people which includes little kids if you are sick. This is called the "Old Milwaukee Flu" technique.
  10. Happy Birthday! You were a great number one!
  11. Here's how I play: Anybody who addresses me as "Brah" gets the funny little fruit soda snatched from their hand and smashed over their head. Then I do six shots of Jamesons.
  12. I want to make a statement about how pointless it is to try to win this thread, but I can't figure out any way to do that without coming off as a hypocrite.
  13. Thanks for keeping my throne warm for me. I'll take it from here.
  14. For tomorrow, my apologies to Chile and Honduras. I can only watch two games after working all day and I just gotta see what Brazil does to N. Korea. And I have to check out Cote D'Ivoire and Portugal.
  15. Italy looked flat today, but they did seem to find some form as the game went on. They will still most likely win the group and could be dangerous by the round of 16. Same thing for the Dutch. That was a sloppy game. They will show better than that. It is still very early in this tournament. By the way, I hope that Danish defender is ashamed of himself for standing around as Kuyt ran past him to tap in that crushing second goal for the Dutch. What is this, gym class? It's the !@#$ing World Cup, you moron!
  16. Not just engaged. They were married for a couple years and recently divorced.
  17. For tomorrow, it's back to work and I'm only recording two of the three games. I'm going with Netherlands-Denmark and Italy-Paraguay. My apologies to Japan and Cameroon. But I can't watch ALL the games, can I?
  18. Years from now, soccer fans will remember this World Cup as "the one with those !@#$ing horns." Either that, or "the one where team USA totally shocked the world and won it all!"
  19. I can't believe he just one so far. Really, he should have a hat trick at least. Whoops. Muller just made it 3-0.
  20. Absolutely. I'd say that was single most boneheaded play of the WC so far. Worse than the goaltender f-ups from England and Serbia.
  21. I have to admit, it's annoying. After a couple games, you get used to it. Still, it has a cumulative effect of getting into your body and making you feel a little nervous or irritable. The sad part is that it completely drowns out any chanting or singing from the crowd, which is really quite pleasing to listen to and actually adds to the experience. I doubt they will make the decision now to ban them, but I will be happy if they do.
  22. I like Neutral Milk Hotel, but the singer can become annoying. He tends to wail too much. In my opinion, the band's ealier effort "On Avery Island" (technically a long ep) is superior to the Aeorplane- album.
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