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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I also want to say: man, this WC is starting to get good. Lots of dud games in the first round with teams playing scared. It's starting to get interesting now. Every game seems to be uncertain and plenty of surprises.
  2. I know it's more than you want to spend, but I think this is a really cool deal... Cool automatic Denon turntable with Ortofon cartridge upgrade It has the advantage of being an automatic turntable with the versatility of a real, quality type tonearm that you can always upgrade with a variety of different cartridge/stylus combos. My (admittedly limited) experience tells me that all of the low budget turntables are basically interchangeable and that if you move up to the next level, it is more than worth the extra investment. My very wonderful girlfriend got me this as an early birthday present and I'm extremely happy with it. It sounds so much better than the $140 range turntable I had previously. The service from Needle Doctor is awesome--they know their stuff and they are happy to help you because they love what they do. Just my opinion, but I love my new toy. Any way you go, I hope you have tons of fun listening to your records. Really, you cannot lose.
  3. Thank you! Yes, I did manage to keep it a secret for myself. ****. I just typed up a long response and it was somehow deleted. I've had a very strange day and I'm not going to even try to reproduce it. Suffice to say...crappy start, really great response. They deserved to get the win (would have been a truly classic, memorable finish). Now they have to win to advance...fair enough. Beautiful finish from Donovan! Showed skill and pure anger at the same time--exactly what was needed at that moment. Still believing...
  4. You have to be careful with stuff like this. It'll mess you up.
  5. Huge game tomorrow for USA against Slovenia. My thoughts... - It won't be easy to make it through the day to watch my recording after work without having the result spoiled. - Jozy looks in fine form. The word on him for a while has been that he has all the talent--he just needs to believe it himself. I think he believes it. Just watch his late attack against England that ended up bouncing off the post. His rush up the left sideline and around the defender was bold and confident! (If that ball bounced 6 inches to the right, we'd still be talking about the biggest goal in U.S. history.) - If USA gets hot and wins by 2 or more, they could be looking at a chance at winning the group. - It won't be easy though. Slovenia is a giant killer. - I have to eat my words about Onyewu. He is indeed ready for the WC. It still scares me though when I notice that his one thigh is still visibly thinner and less muscular than the other. - I would love for Donovan to get a goal. (Despite the constant criticism he gets) he is a world class player and he spends a lot of time and energy in big games doing the dirty work of being a defensive midfielder and extra sweeper in addition to trying to get forward. I'd like to see him get rewarded. - Dempsey. - Howard.
  6. Yes. If you chop up a pineapple and let it soak with vodka, something really great will happen after about three or four weeks. You get a really delicious smooth-tasting pineapple martini.
  7. I just finished draining my dvr. Oh, suck it, France!!! You played selfish stupid soccer and you booked your ticket home (probably). What a joy to watch you lose, you bunch of egotistical morons. Zero goals scored through two games. The only thing you win is the award for stupidest jersey... what is up with that ridiculous black electrical-tape-brassiere design? (note: I used to respect team France when Zidane was making good things happen--now they are an embarrassment to their country)
  8. Somebody's been watching too much X Files.
  9. Funny you should say that. I thought I hated mangoes too, until just recently. I tried a mango from Harry and David the other day and it was 1,000x better than any mango I had ever tried before. The texture was not too soft or mealy. It was not too sweet or too tart at all—it was just right. And there were all kinds of delicious flavors going on in there. I think maybe mangoes get a bad rep due to bad quality in grocery stores. This one changed my whole take on the mango genre. In fact, we had an extra one and my girlfriend made mango salsa. We had it with some salmon that I grilled out. Awesome. The next day, I had some on a veggie burger and it was delicious. Best veggie burger of my life so far. I know I’m rambling here, but it’s just that my mango universe has been turned upside-down.
  10. You’d never guess that it’s pronounced [shoo-SHEFF-ski].
  11. John Waters. I find him really funny and smart. I think Polyester is a masterpiece. Other than that, I like strawberries quite a bit. And pineapple and grapefruit.
  12. I think he’s finally done it! All those years studying linguistics, philosophy, psychology, brain physiology, poetry, quantum physics and cosmology have finally paid off. Rfeynman, the super-genius, has boiled it all down and he has given us this gift of the perfect expression of the whole of the human condition in all its beauty. Bravo sir! Phew! Now we can shut this thing down.
  13. Screw half the world! If half the world went out and bought a Dave Mathews Band album, would you?
  14. Hot girl seduces, then turns into a cow. I've seen it a million times. Usually it takes a little longer though.
  15. Yup, they ran into Clint Dempsey at the mall. Clint goes, "Hey guys, how's it goin'?" The Spaniards go They didn't score on the U.S. last year in S.Africa either. Jozy & Dempsey made it 2-0.
  16. Yes. It's like they thought they could get a win without trying hard or taking any chances. It was not until about the 65 minute mark, down a goal, that they actually started sticking their neck out. At that point, they began to look potent, but at the same time vulnerable to the counter-attack. Spain really needs to spend some quality time looking at the film of this one.
  17. If you squint, "lb" kind of looks like "16," which is how many ounces are in a pound. This is pretty elementary stuff. You really should know this.
  18. Confirming the lack of goals so far... Through the first round of group play, only 1.56 goals per game have been scored. Since the FIFA World Cup expanded to 32 teams in 1998, the first 16 group matches averaged 2.56 goals per game from 1998 to 2006, including 2.43 per game in Germany. From ussoccer.com.
  19. That is a cockamamie, ad hominem attack against me. Uly-tray Idiculous-ray. I mean that’s like a real off-the-cob cut rate bringdown, Jack! I Ain't coming on that tab. : . : . : . . : : You!
  20. I just checked. It’s me. I also am #1 in several other important categories: - total cumulative time spent as the winner - highest witty rejoinder percentage - drunkest post - soberest post - most precise usage of the word “cockamamie” - best comeback (from being DQ’d) - most languages used in a single post (English, Latin, Pig Latin, Jive, Braille)
  21. She’s very pretty, but for the love of god, can’t somebody please get the poor girl a sandwich?
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