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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Little known fact about toast: It was invented by my great great great grandfather, Mortimer Alistair Starrzychkrystnczyk. He first introduced it as "Twice-Cooked Bread" at the 1865 World's Fair in Vienna.
  2. But I don't think he succeeded in completely removing himself from the gene pool yet. He could potentially still unleash some more funny business from those clown pants.
  3. I think, for the last one, it's... 1/4
  4. But if I win this thread, then I WILL be somebody who matters, instead of a bum, which is what I am. It was you, Charlie!
  5. Well, let's hear it! If you have an idea how to end this thing, we want to know what it is.
  6. Whutsamatta? Gansta Kitty got your tongue?
  7. If one man grabbing another man's muffin is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
  8. I'm swinging by your office right now. Just open your window, scream, "GRINGO, HERE'S YOUR MUFFIN!" and throw it as hard as you can. Thanks!
  9. Yeah, this is a good bunch of bastards. Happy Bastardly Birthday to you all!
  10. If anybody's going out anywhere, please pick me up a blueberry muffin. This coffee just isn't cutting it by itself.
  11. Just kidding. Obviously that's impossible. 100%, by definition, is the maximum amount anyone can give.
  12. I've always enjoyed a well-executed timing pass pattern where the QB delivers the ball on the money, hitting the receiver in stride. Usually on an inside slant and done in a way where it's designed for the receiver to find a soft spot between LB and safety. It's a play that happens fast and all of a sudden you have a player running full speed in the open field. Lots of QBs are very good at this. We haven't seen one in Buffalo since probably year one of the Bledsoe era.
  13. How do you know she isn't shaved already. Wait, what?
  14. I studied the elusive drunken monkey claw technique at shaolin temple. My skills will confuse Roscoe worse than a 4th quarter punt in a snowstorm.
  15. Early bird gets the worm. Too bad worms are disgusting. I prefer waffles.
  16. Indeed. Glad you could intercede. On that point we are agreed. But on another you must heed: gringo starr (not you) is in the lead!
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