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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Well said. I don't really get all the Sanchez bashing. No, I don't see him as a top 5 elite QB, but I don't see him as a liability like many seem to. As much as it sickens me to admit, I think he has shown some clutch ability and he has that leadership swagger thing down. He has a bright future.
  2. I think that's a really fantastic idea. However, you might want to look into how something like this might affect your American Idol eligibility.
  3. Fair enough. Speaking of sig lines, I need a new one. Anbody want to write my new sig? I'll take any suggestions. Anything posted on this page of this thread is eligible.
  4. You know, I thought this was gonna be a great day. The sun is shining, Nanker brought cupcakes, I had post #7,500 locked up. But then you come along with your fraudulent post-deleting and just poop all over the whole thing. Why? Why, sir, must you poop on my dreams?
  5. Man, I can't keep track of these Samoan players now days. I never even heard of this guy. Anyway, though, I totally agree with you. In an already insane league, the Raiders keep distinguishing themselves as even more crazy than everyone else.
  6. I couldn't get it, so I looked it up. I found a hint that made me go AHA! Here's the hint: It's as easy as one, two, three
  7. Funny how your contraption has the exact same effect on women as Wawrow's: keeps 'em from getting wet.
  8. I like the decisions from Gailey so far. Looks like he is willing to evaluate objectively and if a guy shows it on the field, then he earns the spot. As far as Stupar and Nelson: Everything I've ever seen from Stupar (admittedly that's mostly pre-season stuff) has impressed me. He strikes me as a total balls-out Football Player. In any case, I'm sure both of the top 2 TE's will see a lot of action this year.
  9. Tell us more about this enormous umbrella of yours. Do you like to twirl it? Do you get all fancy with the singing and clicking your heels, etc...
  10. I feel very sorry for the cops that would have to go to your house to arrest you later.
  11. Wow! I don't even have to insult you because your words say it all.
  12. No way--you are a liar! Count Dorkula just went to the store to get me some delicious ice cream and he's gonna be back in just a minute and you're just jealous.
  13. Well hidy-ho there, fellas! Whaddya say, gang? Looks like it's gonna be a super duper day! So let's get out there and really make it special. Yippee!
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