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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I guess I'll take over first place for a while...
  2. I'm embarrassed to say I had to look him up. I'm thinking he could do a good job. I think the story of my life would work well as a kooky farce.
  3. Hmmm... That's interesting. Even though we've never met, I've always gotten kind of a Jack Lemmon vibe from you.
  4. For me, it would probably be Jeremy Sisto. I get that a lot. Or possibly Steven Weber. I've had a few people say I look like him too. Both of these guys are kind of douchey, so I wouldn't expect it to be a very good movie. If you went solely on personality, you'd have to find a combination of Woody Allen, Crispin Glover, Charlie Brown and Ernie from Sesame St.
  5. Perhaps you are a Jiang Shi hopping Chinese zombie? Do you crave human flesh in addition to pancakes?
  6. I was surprised to see such a crappy game from Reggie--he has impressed me in the past. Trent, not so much.
  7. I watched that play over and over. There was something (before he threw the ball) in his body language, where he clearly just gave up on the play after his #1 option didn't work out... He sort of went limp--the message I took away was, "I don't really feel like being in the NFL because I don't have the heart for it." Then, after that brief moment of capitulation, he sort of half-assedly stepped away from the rusher tossed that sad little floater for the easy INT. I've seen enough. My personal verdict is that Trent Edwards sucks and will always suck.
  8. With the Bills looking so sad, I'm going straight to the Jameson's.
  9. If you happen to find yourself being chased through the woods by a machete-carrying homicidal freak, just know that it's because of that fornicating and/or drug-taking you did. Sinners!
  10. Yes. The Bill starting offense will score a touchdown tonight on their first drive.
  11. Yup. After the preseason, I don't expect to get to watch any Bills games on my tv at home this year. All Sunday 1pm games = head to the bar. The good part is that the waitresses are pretty cute where I go. The bad part is the walk of shame out to my car after another shameful Bills effort, knowing I spent too much money and I have to go to work tomorrow.
  12. I know. Where's the action? And what's with the piddly installments? Hey Dickens, make with the VERBS! Just kidding. Please tell us what happened to they key now, please.
  13. If they're both more than 7 yards downfield, I will take it as a smashing sucess.
  14. I watched a bunch of Jets games last year. The way I remember it was that Sanchez started off pretty good, then really bottomed out when defenses figured him out. True, he had some pretty terrible performances. But towards the end of the year and into the playoffs, I saw him step it up. To my eyes, he looked like a young QB finding his stride and making plays. His playoff stats (3 games): 41 of 68 (60.3%) 539 yards 7.9 yds/att 4 TD 2 INT 92.7 rating
  15. Hmmm... I think I know what it is. I happen to know that Wawrow was considering getting calf implant surgery. I bet Mrs. Wawrow sewed bean bags into all his socks instead.
  16. The exact text of the next post in this thread will be my new sig line. And I will keep it until the Bills win a regular season game.
  17. Absolutely! I'm kind of surprised it has taken this long.
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