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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. No. That's what I've been doing for years now. It gets tired sometimes. It's nice to watch the game in the comfort of my own home.
  2. Yeah, but that's my affliction. I NEED to see all those 2 yard runs and incomplete passes and illegal procedure penalties. My name is gringo starr and I am a lifetime Bills fan.
  3. Thanks for the info! That pretty much tells me what I need to know. If I could watch the games at 5pm on Sunday, maybe it would be worth it. Now I'm seriously considering shelling out the $350 for the DTV online thingy. It's ridiculously overpriced, but I needs my Bills fix! And here in Atlanta, I don't expect any of these Sunday 1pm games to be televised locally.
  4. My cat does not fart. She is a lady.
  5. That pretty well sums up, not only Faulk's idiocy, but the flawed logic of many of the experts.
  6. Are you sitting in a chair in the sky?
  7. If that's the case, then forget it. It's already overpriced. If they want me to beg them to take my money, they can take a flying !@#$ at a rolling donut.
  8. Very tempting. But the price makes me hesitate. That's a stiff price to watch a stream of a TV broadcast that is still loaded up with annoying commercials. I'll see how I feel about this as we get close to the opener.
  9. Oh dear god, yes. Please do whatever it takes to get past mutherfuggin Ghana!
  10. Winning feels good. I should know because I've won this thing almost 500 times now.
  11. I very rarely get (make) the chance, but I really enjoy just looking up at the sky. It's quite peaceful just watching clouds go by and slowly change shape. Or better yet--if you find yourself in a dark place on a clear night--looking up at the stars. If I go too long without some moments of quiet solitude, I can feel my self start to come apart and become a rather ornery gringo.
  12. That was the most unnecessary addition of a spoiler since my neighbor tried to pimp up his 1998 Toyota Celica.
  13. Dammit, the Bills better win that opener on 9/12. I gotta get rid of this stupid sig line. This thing is chafing me like a bastard.
  14. So, you're saying you want the longer version with more in-depth analysis?
  15. Update: I tried to get some coffee, but our little work kitchen was all loaded up with jackasses milling around and blocking everything, so I gave up. I will try again in a few minutes.
  16. I think I better get me some coffee.
  17. Congratulations, Lewport! Many more!
  18. Oh my God, that is discouraging. Bureaucratic stuff like this is my worst nightmare. Idiocy plus inertia =
  19. I had some yogurt this morning for breakfast. It wasn't too bad.
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