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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. The 4 teams remaining in the NFL playoffs have fewer losses combined than the Browns had this year.
  2. Virgil’s soon to be released book on strangers’ bathroom habits and the cultural implications is getting very positive early reviews. The NY Times Review of Books said, “Urine for a treat if you read this book.”
  3. CgF is an excellent, world class level, disco roller skater.
  4. Most people don’t know that Mr. Fadingpain was the inventor of ice cream sandwiches. And the world is a better place for it.
  5. Nice! Cheers! Your voucher is in the mail. Or, if you don’t want to wait, you can go to any place that has good tequila and say that Cugalabanza sent you and mention that he used to be a gringo.
  6. No, but tequila is like beer. If you can name the movie reference that confirms this, I’ll buy you one of each.
  7. Yeah, that’s clearly some lame posturing. I’m very curious about it all. I don’t know what, if anything, will come of it, but I don’t doubt that any of the dipschidts involved are capable of terrible acts. They’re all a bunch of !@#$s.
  8. From what I’ve read, most climate scientists regard the effect of these cycles of sunspots & solar winds as very small, basically a blip compared to the larger warming trend that coincides with the industrial revolution. And the effects of these solar cycles on climate have been studied for many many years. Even the article you link to claims a maximum effect of half a degree (which is I think, higher than most scientists would grant) and it further states, “this reduction in temperature is significant, even though it will do little to compensate for human-induced climate change.”
  9. Nobody in here is like you. And the majority position, in this thread at least, is not something I'd call healthy skepticism. They claim whacky stuff like "If I recall correctly, for the longest time the computer models didn't even account for the sun or its cycles."
  10. Probably. But I'd say most of the posters in this forum are firmly in the denier category.
  11. Running over the corpse seems excessive to me. You could get a ticket for that.
  12. Even the source that B-Man linked just a few posts ago--that was intended to debunk this global warming business--confirms a global temp increase of 4 - 6 ºF by the end of the century. It seems the case that our planet is more resilient than some alarmists (and many scientists) had initially estimated. That's a good thing and I'm glad to hear it. However, there is definitely something very real and very significant going on. Our climate is warming. It's true that it's impossible to project with certainty, but global temps are rising for sure. You can continue to cherry pick examples of bad science here and there and it's true that there are people on the left who act like idiots on this topic. But the truth remains, that our planet is gradually warming and that there will be serious consequences for future generations. Anyone who still stands in denial of this is simply blinded by ideology.
  13. That **** is nothing. I once found a Conway Twitty cassette tape in my mom's car.
  14. That's a bit of a stretch, no? I bet if we had a stack of photos of your mom from the '70's we could pick out some pretty weird ****. Ok, this I will admit is totally !@#$ed up
  15. That's about the extent of it. I'll grant you that. I think it will be a fitting epitaph someday.
  16. local weather : gorgonzola cheese :: climate : brie time baby
  17. "The study's best estimate is that global temperatures will change by 2.8 ºC (5 ºF) by 2100." That's still very significant.
  18. Cheers, Gug! Hope you’re having a great birthday!
  19. Throwback was a legal lateral. Go back and look. There are some thorough analyses out there. The Bills lost that day because their kick coverage was bad. If you’re still blaming the refs, you’re mistaken.
  20. Yes. Felt pretty similar to the Music City ending. Total heartbreak. (and, as much as it hurts to admit, the refs got the call right on that Music City Miracle. The ball did not go forward.)
  21. David Duke, Richard Spencer and Daily Stormer all praised Trump's shithole remarks.
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