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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Congratulations! 200 posts makes you eligible for second place in this thread!
  2. There have been a lot of posts in this thread, but this is the only one that counts.
  3. Every time I hear someone put forth this "lose now, win later" theory, I get a little angry. Makes no sense to me. Even if it were true (which it isn't), how would you go about executing the plan? No one involved in the organization, from ball boy to owner, could possibly function with this goal in mind. You're where you are because you want to win. That's what you do, you play to win! Period.
  4. But of course Sparano knows that Gailey knows that Sparano is expecting the Wildcat. Fortunately, Gailey has anticipated this.
  5. Objection: assumes facts not in evidence.
  6. I doubt it. Nobody is willing to get up that early in the morning to begin all the complicated and laborious preparations.
  7. I'm ready to admit this too. I liked their early stuff and the De Stijl album I thought was awesome. Ever since, they have been on a steady decline. Their sound just gets very stale in my opinion. Oh, and it's Jack White. I often make the same mistake myself.
  8. Ok, but why do they never order enough?
  9. My pet peeve for the day: Why so much mild and medium salsa on the shelf at the grocery store, but never any hot? Is this a fair representation of the pansy ass culture we have become?
  10. Not so strange to me. He did it in college (and scored a bunch of TD's). I'm excited to see him do his thing in the open field.
  11. It's true, Dean. You're the winner, alright. Would you like to shoot Jack now or wait 'til you get home?
  12. I'm pretty sure it's called "Last Post Wins!" Not "The Guy Who Somebody Else Arbitrarily Says Should Be The Winner Wins." It's really not that complicated.
  13. I have no freakin' idea what the kids call anything anymore. But they better stay the hell out of my kitchen--I can tell you that much!
  14. Baking some freshly prep'd egglplant parm & listening to my Capt. Beefheart Bluejeans & Moonbeams record. Drinking some wine. Petting my dog. Slappin' my girlfriend's butt. Not thinking about tomorrow. Thinking about next Sunday at 1pm.
  15. I'm in for the Big Fan. I'm kind of excited about that one--it's on my Netflix queue. I've seen all 3 of the others too, so I'm prepared to fling some half-baked insights out there.
  16. I've got no heart! Because a she-devil stole it.
  17. Yes, but it's not exactly the same as getting that nice HD signal directly via cable. In my case, I have only VGA output on my laptop, not HDMI. So right there, I've lost a little bit in the translation. Plus, even a top-notch stream will not have the same refresh rate as an HD cable signal. And will there be hiccups in the stream from DirectTV's servers? Who knows? So it's worth thinking about when you're looking at that $350 price tag. I may still pull the trigger anyway because it's still my best option, but you gotta admit that's a pretty stiff price for streaming video.
  18. You know, I am actually considering signing up for this. The thing that makes me think twice is that I don't know if I can take it if I pay $350 and then the stream starts acting funny and freezing up and I miss plays. If this happens, I am going to FREAK THE !@#$ OUT! Oh, you better believe DirectTV is gonna give me my money back if it's all herky-jerky and freezy-buffery. I will go to war with their customer service people if I have to.
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