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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. You're doing a good job typing with 9. I know--I'm just getting back to normal from a broken finger about 8 weeks ago.
  2. Great job! I really enjoyed the story. Thank you!
  3. It's Comcast cable internet, wireless to my laptop. I don't know what kind of numbers I get, but I think it's fairly good. My laptop always reports an "Excellent" connection. I use a quality wireless router. I never have any problems with Netflix or other streamed video.
  4. I win. Now which one of you jackasses is gonna ruin it for me this time?
  5. I paid my $350. For the first game, the quality was just ok. On HIGH quality, it was very skippy and jerky. So I watched the game on MEDIUM quality. Even still, there were some freezes here and there. I had the thought that maybe it would work better with Explorer instead of Firefox. I'll experiment a little bit this week. I'd really like to be able to bump it up to that higher bitrate. The fast action is not so smooth on Medium. I also noticed that DirectTV decided just recently to use the Flash player instead of Silverlight. I wish they didn't do that. I believe Netflix uses Silverlight and that works beautifully for me. I've never had a single problem with any Netflix streams and it looks amazing.
  6. Psst... Turdburger is a rhubarb fish fry, pass it on.
  7. Wow, we're so lucky to have such an expert talent evaluator in our midst. It's true: if you like cookies and don't molest women, you cannot be a pro QB. Thank you.
  8. I am definitely an idiot, but I'm classier than most. I'm devastatingly classy. The pin stripes on my banana hammock are so subtle, you have to look through a monocle to see them.
  9. What would have to happen? Friday. That's all it ever takes. I'm an incurable shmuck. I'm blinded by my own masochism.
  10. I was told I couldn't take it off, so I've just been Febreze-ing down there every other day or so. Maybe my world view is sort of suffering a little bit as a result. I'm getting a little steamy in the ol' banana hammock you might say. Goddammit, Chan Gailey! I was promised more creativity on offense! a Ten -ing years of this
  11. Ok, I've thought about this a lot and I've decided that the worst band to ever enjoy mainstream success is... Kansas
  12. I just figured out the meaning of life and the answer to all the questions about the origin and purpose of the universe. But it's pretty disappointing, so I don't think I'll share it.
  13. As a pessimist, if I had to guess what fresh, unique hell this season will bring, it would be this: Bills offense continues to sputter through the first 6 games or so and the defense fights bravely, but the losses pile up. But then, in the middle and towards the end of the season, the offensive line begins to find its legs and they string a few wins together. The D is forcing turnovers and even our QB (maybe it's still Trent, maybe not) starts to look decent. Maybe we even see a [gasp!] 300 yard passing performance with a couple TD's. They miss the playoffs, but look very strong at the end of the year and finally hopes are high! And then there's no football next year.
  14. I'm sorry to hear about all your bad breaks. I can't really offer any more advice that what has been posted here already. But I do know what it's like when it feels that life is kicking you when you're down. I've been there where it feels like your confidence and self esteem are scraping the bottom of the barrel. I'll just say that it is worthwhile to ride out the tough patches. I hope things start looking up for you very soon. gringo
  15. I said I'd keep this asinine sig line until the Bills win a regular season game. It might be a while.
  16. Awesome! Thank you, Senator. Kinda makes me wanna shop for a Talley jersey.
  17. Yes, but only for a little while. As soon as you hit 1,801, the deal's off.
  18. Come on you guys. Stop screwing around. I'm the winner of this thing. Don't try to delay the inevitable.
  19. I'm with ya on that one! And their inexplicable success spawned a whole genre full of soulless, bright-sounding pseudo-punk.
  20. 1,800 gets you Jack! But 2,000 gets you Steely Dan!
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