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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. You did the right thing. Right now their website is not even working. Maybe they don't want to hear from the thousands of angry customers. When you first try to check out their Customer Service, you get a message that says, "Do not call our Customer Service." I tried to call them anyway and after navigating their menu maze, I got put on perma-hold. Then I went back to their website to send an email and I can't even do that. DirecTV =
  2. At least they admit it. I'll give them a chance to make it right (if they can promise to fix it going forward). Otherwise, like you, I'll cut my losses. It's a little bit comforting to know that I'm not the only one.
  3. I don't get the option to choose SD versus HD. However, the problems seems to be with DTV and the servers on their side. If they are willing to admit that and give me some (small) consideration, I will stick with them. If they give me the brush off, I will fight them to the death.
  4. Thanks for the kind words. I'll be rooting for the Packers the rest of the year. Congrats on the win today. Most games will not be this easy. I see tons of talent & class with your team. I hope they make it to the super bowl.
  5. DirecTV is causing me pain! There's this thing now where the channel will spontaneously change from the Bills game to the RedZone channel. Then when I try to switch back to the Bills game channel, it gives me a "STREAM NOT AVAILABLE" message. This happened three times during the game today. I missed most of the second quarter (and the entire Bills TD drive, which was ultimately their only watchable stretch). I've spent quite a bit of time making sure the problem is not on my end. My laptop never has any problems doing any other stuff. I have a very good internet connection (approx 21 mb/s confirmed). No trouble streaming from other sites. Netflix and YouTube are smooth and fast. It's not my computer. I have run all possible scans, upgrades, utilities, etc... All signs point to optimum performance. DirecTV has some explaining to do. If they can't promise me a better product ASAP, I'll be demanding my $350 back. Not happy.
  6. Not necessarily stoned, but beautiful.
  7. Thank you for posting this. My brother is coming over tomorrow and I have a very strong suspicion that he is going to shoot me.
  8. Hello and welcome to the Last Post Wins thread. I'll be your champion for the next few minutes.
  9. Youch! You may be right, but the Bills don't seem capable of playing that kind of game. Our QB has never had a 300 yard performance. The OL is not ready. The Bills have not won a shoot-out type game in a long long time. Off the top of my head, you'd have to go back to the Drew Bledsoe's first year in Buffalo. The Packers look pretty damn strong overall. I'm hoping for some lucky bounces and maybe the Bills pull off an upset this week. After that, I wish your team well. I kind of hope they come out on top of the NFC.
  10. The Bills do not have enough talent on offense to be able to consistently convert these third-and-longs. I think part of the failure is how miserable they look on FIRST down. Last week, I could not believe my eyes how often they were LOSING yardage on first down. Whether they ran or passed the ball, they seemed to lose 2 yards every time. Then throw a false start or holding penalty in there and you have no chance. To have any chance of moving the chains they absolutely need to find a way do get some positive results on first down. I consider an incomplete pass down the field a positive result compared to a checkdown pass in the backfield that loses a yard or barely gets back to the line of scrimmage.
  11. I'm not quite sexy enough for my banana hammock at 40.
  12. I agree with everything you said. And congratulations on your rescue dog. She is friggin' adorable!
  13. A few years ago, a good friend of mine was walking his dog one morning before work and he came across an abandoned blue pitbull puppy. She was just about 4 months old. It was a freezing cold winter morning. She was cowering in a parking lot under a car. She could not walk--her front legs appeared to be horribly broken and there was duct tape on them. My friend is a dog lover (and a really good person), so he carried this freezing puppy back to his place. It turned out that this dog had been confined in a box or cage that was way too small. As a result, her front legs became deformed from not being able to extend. She had to keep her legs folded under her body and the tendons shrank and she had bad muscle atrophe. Also, you could tell that her ears had been very recently cropped, sloppily. It looked like someone had just used some scissors to cut half her ears off within the last day or two. Apparently, someone was trying to groom her to be a fighter, but then decided to abandon her out in the cold instead, probably when they discovered that they had screwed up her legs through their own incompetence and neglect. My friend kept the dog and with regular vet visits and lots of therapy on her legs, she became a healthy little dog within a couple months. She was one of the sweetest, most beautiful dogs I have ever known. I got to babysit her for a week once when my friend went out of town. Just a great dog. Blue pits are just gorgeous in my opinion. And even her ears healed up pretty well. She would have looked better with full floppy ears if you ask me, but still she was awesome. I just don't get what is wrong with some people. A dog is one of the greatest things in this world. And pitbulls absolutely get a bad rap. Too many thug a-holes ruin it for everybody else. They are excellent dogs if some dick does not go out of his way to try to turn them into monsters.
  14. I might check that out. I watched a tv documentary (can't remember the name) that looked at the people who were helping to rehabilitate those poor dogs. Pretty powerful. I can not even come close to understanding how someone could treat a dog the way those Bad Newz idiot scumholes did.
  15. I'll stick up for the Talking Heads. I'm not a huge fan overall, but listen to Remain In Light all the way through. It's pretty damn good and stands the test of time.
  16. Stieg Larsson should have stopped after the third one. This one sounds kind of stupid.
  17. Question: In the name "D'Brickashaw," what letter(s) is the apostrophe standing in for?
  18. That's true. I guess I was just thinking about this guy I used to know called Nine Finger Larry.
  19. Do you realize that Steely Dan has over 1,000 posts just in this thread? I think about that and it disturbs me a little. Then I consider that I've probably read every single one of them and my mind just implodes.
  20. It's nothing fancy. It's a Toshiba laptop I bought about 6 months ago for $500. I couldn't tell you any stats, but it does have an Intel dual-core processor. I think I need to play with the settings on the DirectTV stream. The thing is, my laptop only has a VGA output, not HDMI, so I'm only working with SD anyway when I send it to the tv. Maybe I can go with a higher bitrate and refresh rate if I choose an SD stream instead of HD. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. Thanks for the input!
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