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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Highly recommended. I just watched it. It's playing again on Sundance tonight at 12:25. Worth a recording. Really fun story about this old rogue Texan who started robbing banks in his 80's. Maybe I've had too much wine, but I found myself saying "rock on, you magnificent bastard!" EDIT: D'oh! I can't figure out how to edit the thread title. It's called This is Not a Robbery.
  2. Dammit, I meant to record it but forgot. I can't believe that people actually were debating whether or not the whole thing was an act. I can't believe Roger Ebert, for example, reviewed the movie as if it were a true documentary. What a squarehead.
  3. Granted. They are spectacular (and I've never even used the word spectacular before). I still say it is more accurate to refer to her in all instances as Katy Perry's Boobs. Actually, the most appropriate name would be Katy Perry('s boobs).
  4. I think Katy Perry should change her name to Katy Perry's Boobs. Because, honestly, there is no other aspect of her being that is worthy of mentioning.
  5. Speaking of Arsenio Hall, I saw him on tv recently shilling for one of those Get Cash Now! scams. Best work he's done since Coming to America.
  6. I bet you can get a really great hooker for 10 grand. I would totally do that if I were filthy rich. Especially if I found myself married to Stimpy's friend Ren.
  7. By the way, DirecTV is a horrible, soulless company run by evil morons. They are sons of motherless goats. They should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell. I hereby put a curse on them: May they develop super-sensitive taste buds on their rectums and insatiable appetites for canned chili.
  8. These embedded YouTube clips are making my thread-viewing experience less tidy.
  9. Tell me about it. A real man watches football. Buncha men running around in tights on a field tackling each other.
  10. Yes, already paid in full. CC grievance is one way I'm prepared to go. Before that, I'll calmly make a nuisance of myself to their customer service and whatever supervisors and try to appeal to the notion of fairness. If DTV still flatly refuses to help me, I'll go after them in other ways. Also, I will spread the word of their terrible policies and services to all who will listen.
  11. I spoke to DTV about the problems I've been having. (Getting this "Stream Not Available" error for long periods of time) They admitted that the problem is their fault. They say they "have technicians working diligently on the problem, but cannot say with certainty if or when the problem will be fixed." So I asked them if they are willing to give any refund (partial if I stick with it or total if I want to cancel). They give me a very firm NO... at this time there are no refunds being given at all. It is DTV's policy (since I'm not a subscriber of their satellite service) not to make any changes, cancellations or refunds to my account after a certain date. Quite upset and disappointed in the shockingly awful service. I know that this is the norm more than the exception these days for companies to treat customers like this, but I consider it unacceptable. DTV =
  12. That game was just pure enjoyment the whole way through. I remember saying to the football gods, "Oh thank you for this gift you have given us! This makes it all worthwhile. I don't even mind if the Bills fall apart after this and don't even make the playoffs. I won't care if the Patriots turn it around and somehow reverse the result of this game in the season finale and then go on to win the superbowl!" I guess I got a little carried away. Sorry.
  13. This banana hammock is making me ornery.
  14. Yes it is! The part I remember hating the most was when Will Smith climbs into the alien spacecraft and just starts flying it. You know, because he's a pilot.
  15. I'm not sure how much I'll read into it if the Bills do win, but I'll take it! A win always feels better than a loss. And with the patsies*, multiply that by 10. And in their house, multiply that by 10 again.
  16. That was probably the last straw. I've forgiven Trent for a lot of terrible play over these last few years, but that was just a little bit more than I can take. That moment was Trent effectively stepping off of the field of professional sports.
  17. First of all, I don't believe that space aliens are among us. If they were, I don't get the assumption that their intentions would necessarily be sinister. That's dangerously narrow-minded. If another civilization of beings could conquer the vastness of space (and presumably the speed of light), why not grant also that they might rise above the pathetic self-destructive tendencies that our own dumbass species is riddled with? Why assume they are LIKE US? Why assume they are fundamentally BAD? It's just as likely that they would want to help us. It's a projection. It's based on an incomplete and fatalistic conception of our own species. And it projects it onto a hypothetical and supposedly far superior species. Stephen Hawking seems to have settled into this pop cosmology thing. He's turned into the Andy Rooney of the physics world.
  18. We should start work right now on a humungous DO NOT DISTURB sign that we can hang on the moon.
  19. That's a little too much. Be careful or--you know what they say--it might make you into a dull boy.
  20. Did you get around to playing that song that goes "You're the best...around! Never gonna let 'em keep ya down..." That's in the top 10 cheesiest of all time. It does make for a very effective montage however.
  21. I used to be an angry young man. I'm not young anymore.
  22. There's the possibility that the team will rally around Fitz this week. Chan's "spark" comment is a cliche, but there's some truth to it. I often feel like Trent's dull, cautious play messes with the confidence of the entire offensive unit. It tends to bring out the worst in the other guys. Not necessarily that they don't like Trent or don't want to play hard for him... just that the losing mentality is contagious. Maybe Fitzy will get guys excited. Then again, maybe it will be a disaster just like weeks 1 & 2. Either way, I'm glad for the move. At least now I have a reason to be curious.
  23. This **** has been broken for so long now with different coaches, QBs and WRs, I don't even know what to say anymore. The only constant has been a lousy OL. So I'm gonna say that, until you fix it there, you're gonna keep seeing a revolving door of unproductive quarterbacks and receivers. PERIOD.
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