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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. He shoulda got her a birthday present. What the hell was he thinking?
  2. Hey everybody, check out that really interesting diversion over there... ZOINK! (i win)
  3. My company gives promotions only to the most incompetent, so this would actually be an improvement.
  4. Kinda nice here in Atlanta. So nice to be done with the 90's & humid every day thing. This is my favorite time of year.
  5. My utterly amateur opinion is that it's a cool idea. I can imagine tons of people wanting to sign their kids up for this. Obviously, insurance would be a concern as far as overhead goes. But the potential for a successful business is clearly there I think.
  6. I guess it's not so bad, really. It just annoys people because they just keep putting out so many different versions of these movies. George Lucas is kind of taking advantage of the loyalty of the fans. These people are such completist geeks about it that they will buy anything new that comes out, even if it has some tiny little trivial nugget of something different that was not available to them before. It seems likely that they'll have this new 3D version at a premium price. Then a year from now there will be some Collector's Edition with a "new & improved" version of the 3D movie, also a premium price. Then, they'll put out the same thing again and call it the Deluxe Anniversary Edition, with some little collectible stickers or some crap... It's like, how much can you milk from these poor suckers? I guess you can also look at it like these geeks could get a life and just stop buying this crap. But I think we all know that's not gonna happen.
  7. Esquire? The last time I picked up an Esquire, it had an article telling single guys what hip books to strategically place around your apartment so girls would think you're deep. Not which books to READ, just which ones to buy and how & where to sort of casually leave askew on your end table. Like, "oh, how nice of you to drop in--I was just perusing some Sartre and taking notes on existentialism. Now let's go get sushi and check out some reggae!" And the rest of the magazine was ads for garish overpriced watches. They don't get to talk to me about stadium food.
  8. I understand that Bon Jovi is being considered for induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I think this is a very bad sign for humanity. Bon Jovi is so lame, it's hard for me to even think about it in the right perspective. Inevitably, I think about the vastness of the universe. I imagine thousands of civilizations of intelligent life on distant isolated planets that have come and gone long ago. I imagine that in each of these civilizations, there was a turning point in their history when their evolutionary relevance began to wane. And that for each there was a period of decline, during which there were many tell-tale signs of the impending unavoidable extinction. I think that if an anthropoligist could observe and compare the histories of all these doomed civilizations, they could pinpoint in each one a definitive "Bon Jovi" moment which marked the critical point of no return.
  9. I recognize the words you're using as words from the English language. And I know the meanings of these words. However, I do not understand why you've placed them together here at this time. As I consider this unlikely word pairing, an image is conjured, but beyond that I cannot make out the relevance or purpose of such an utterance. I can only conclude that you are either a poetic genius or a senseless raving moron.
  10. I don't think Elmo has any authority on the subject what kind of attire is appropriate. He doesn't even wear pants!
  11. Wow, I guess I'm all alone on this one. It really is a good movie though. I'm not making it up.
  12. That's excellent. The Tom Waits one made me laugh. ("Captain Beefheart for girls") Here's mine... Led Zeppelin: 1 Willie Dixon. 2 &4 J.R.R. Tolkien. 3 Roy Harper. 5-8 They have their own airplane. 9 John Paul Jones. 10 Oh, here's some more old crap we found.
  13. Gladdest of tidings on this first day of Fall! Make sure your freshly painted rutabagas are prominently displayed for the neighborhood kids to heckle at and explode with cherry bombs in your mailbox. Namaste! :beer:
  14. I honestly don't know. For the answer to that, we'd have to see the transcript from Chan Gailey's late night hunched-over, head-in-hands mumble-to-himself sessions. I imagine it's something along the lines of, "Oh, sweet Jesus, what have I got myself into. No talent, no effort. I've made a terrible mistake!" In that vein.
  15. That's the benefit of drinking the good stuff! "Sad to drinking to perplexed in 30 seconds!" Jameson should take that as their new slogan!
  16. I don't put no damn bag over my head for nuthin'! I'm a Bills fan. Anybody doesn't like it, they can go take a flying !@#$ at a rolling donut!
  17. Not directly. For me, it's a shot at all the crappy elements of my life which prevent me from getting everything I want. So, I guess you could say Ralph is included in that.
  18. No, it's not possible. These players and coaches are working for their lives. It's the highest level of sports. There's no such thing as tanking it. The idea of lose-on-purpose-now to get-draft-picks-later thing is a myth!
  19. Yes. I haven't listened to them in a while though. Maybe it's time to revisit. I didn't know they were still performing.
  20. Truly and seriously though... Mead, I hope your Mom is doing well.
  21. Also: I just noticed that the two reviews on IMdB are lame. They both refer to the movie as "sad." That's not the feeling I got from it at all. I thought it was a totally life-affirming story of a kick-ass old bastard who went through a bunch of difficult stuff and then decided to get some joy from life.
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