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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Winning is easy. Staying the winner, that's the hard part.
  2. Cheers to both of the Birthday people!
  3. This ridiculous banana hammock is wearing me!
  4. Good morning, you buncha dumb bastards.
  5. Depending on the clown, that might not be such a bad thing.
  6. I don't think I get the reference, but I'll see your Bob Saget and raise you one Dave Coulier.
  7. Come back, Wawrow! Dammit, we can't keep losing all our good posters!
  8. Seems so minor. The appropriate thing would be for the league to just give him a reminder/warning about that 90 minute rule. A fine would be pretty cheesy & excessive in my opinion.
  9. I'm stuck with this banana hammock for a very long time, aren't I?
  10. What's the saying? You can hope in one thing and poop in another and then see which one fills your banana hammock faster? Either way, you're gonna find yourself with significant chafing in some sensitive personal areas.
  11. Congratulations. You had a nice little run there.
  12. If Trent comes in and passes for 300+ yards and engineers a late game winning TD drive, I will chew both of my own feet off.
  13. Bankers. To paraphrase that great American poet, Mike Tyson, we should stomp on their children's testicles.
  14. Hi, I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincerest apologies to everyone on this board. Some of my posts recently may have seemed a little bit harsh or inconsiderate. My mood has been kind of up and down lately and I haven't been feeling myself. This is due to the fact that this muther&%$*-ing banana hammock is chafing my &%$*-ing #%$! and my &$#% and I'm about to &%$*-ing lose my @!$#!
  15. Man, I feel for Coach Buttermaker Gailey. Just nothing to work with at all.
  16. I think both of these download rates (3.8 and 5.5 mb/s) should be sufficient for good streaming. Of course, that rate may fluctuate and may cause buffering occasionally. I'm beginning to think that my video card is holding me back a bit. I purchased the DirecTV NFL Sunday Ticket streaming service. I can watch at MEDIUM quality and it works very well. But as soon as I try to go to HIGH, it's very jerky and never gets smooth. I would really love to be able to go to HIGH, because when I send to my big screen TV, the difference is significant. My laptop has a good dual core processor and good memory and my download rate is very good. The only other thing I can think of is that damn video card.
  17. Nice post. Arguments well thought-out and well supported. I guess I'm just so mired in the decade-plus long abyss of SUCK that I can't even tell up from down anymore. This team has problems in so many areas, I don't know who to blame or where to begin to get better.
  18. You know what was awesome? The early nineties.
  19. It's not so bizarre. Dogs are friends to us. That's the thing right there. They like us and we like them. They have many traits that have made them close to humans for thousands of years. They are extremely social animals and they are loyal and loving. And they have boatloads of personality.
  20. I don't eat beef or chicken. And I happen to think Vick is scum. And Bill Simmons' moral arguments do not hold water in my opinion. Vick and his partners knew perfectly well that what they were doing was illegal and they knew what the public reaction would be. That's why they took measures to hide their actions and then lie about it when it was found out. And the whole "we all love us some delicious veal, so let's not judge dogfighting" argument is ridiculous. That's just misdirection. Should someone like this be given a second chance? Maybe. Vick is getting his. I don't disagree with that. It's just that I don't like the guy. I look at his eyes when he says that he sees the error of his ways and he now loves animals. I don't believe it. I think he's lying. I think he's doing what his paid PR team tells him to so he can have what he wants. I think he regrets getting caught and that's it.
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