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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Return of the Living Dead is pretty entertaining too.
  2. I was feeling lazy, so I just decided to play from home today [flushes dollar bill down the toilet). I win!
  3. Spoiler alert: the penis gets inserted into the vagina. I win.
  4. Ha! No need to ask for forgiveness for having a good time as long as no one else is harmed.
  5. 1. You suck 2. I am not mentally ill 3. You should be embarrassed to have your screen name 4. !@#$ you
  6. I'll bet you $10. I say the Bills beat the Ravens this week. Deal?
  7. Man, I'm loving this thread so far! I'm a big fan of Elliott Smith and Rebecca is a great call too. I have not yet read a Roth book, but I'll take your word on this one (since you obviously have excellent taste) Not yet. So much stuff, hard to get to it all.
  8. I love Vonnegut. I've read a bunch of his, but not Hocus Pocus yet. I think it's time for me to read that one. Good stuff all! I've read a couple P.K.Dick books. I really loved Time Out of Joint and Flow My Tears the Policeman Said. I need to check out Do Androids...
  9. I happen to agree with you. I called it as Bills 23, Ravens 19 in another thread.
  10. Congratulations, you just formulated the single worst idea ever uttered in the English language!
  11. A true classy gentleman such as myself does not publicly discuss restroom logistics. Suffice to say that one does what one can when one is obligated to wear the same ludicrous undergarment continuously for over 7 weeks.
  12. Please recommend some stuff you like. Not necessarily all-time favorites. Just something maybe you've enjoyed recently or something you feel is underrated or forgotten or deserves a special notice. Here's what I got... Jesus' Son by Denis Johnson. Denis Johnson is an amazingly talented writer. This, in my opinion, is the best showcase of his talent. And Then There Were None. 1945 version of the Agatha Christie novel. A true forgotten classic. Really fun whodunnit. If you like murder mysteries, you will LOVE this movie! No Pocky For Kitty by Superchunk. 90's indie rock that still feels fresh today. Good songs and the guitars sound awesome.
  13. I love animals--that's why I don't eat them. I also love women. However,...
  14. There is no shortage of suffering or evil in this or any era. Not even close. If you want to talk about people being naive or soft or willfully ignorant or clinging to some false sense of entitlement, you could make a good case.
  15. Salt peanuts! Salt Peanuts! Happy Birthday, Dizzy!
  16. I love the Silver Jews. Me and about 11 other people worldwide.
  17. Here's my prediction: Bills 23 Ravens 19 (And Fitz will do fairly well) I will bump this thread on Sunday evening confirm my genius and to tell all you whiners to eat it.
  18. Ok, the afternoon time is here. Let's rock this muffugger down to elecric avenue. And then we'll take it higher.
  19. Sometimes I like the morning time to be a quiet and peaceful time. So, please, try to be respectful and keep it down. Thank you.
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