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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - - (that's supposed to be a "W" by the way)
  2. No, I choose my words carefully. You cannot deduce that Losman's work ethic is lacking from a series of observations of him reading defenses poorly. If you were to draw a conclusion from these observations, it would be more induction than deduction. Either way, it's unsound because you do not know the reason for his bad play. Could simply be that he's not talented enough--that he is not skilled enough at processing all the relevant information quickly under fire. Anyway, to conclude that it's because of a poor work ethic is, like I said, speculation...especially since that was never the word on him. I've never heard a hint of anything from any teammate, coach or journalist that Losman did not work hard.
  3. That's not deduction. It's speculation.
  4. A couple people have talked about JP having a poor work ethic. Where does this come from? Is there a shred of evidence to support this? I wish JP well. He seems to have a ton of natural ability and I like the guy. I suspect that the main reason he has not had success is that NFL QB is a ridiculously hard job and the competition is insane. To paraphrase Norm MacDonald's character from the Norm show, JP is a really great football player. It's only compared to other NFL football players that he's not that great.
  5. I wish I knew the guy. But I'll never have the chance now because of the crazy events of that day 19 years and one month ago.
  6. I miss the days when "apps" meant mozzarella sticks, fried calamari and jalapeno poppers. (sorry, I have nothing of substance to contribute here)
  7. The difficulty is that the zombie story has been told so many thousands of times already. We've seen it all. We've seen the zombie family members. And we've watched characters struggle with the decision to kill their infected loved ones. We've even seen a guy wake up from a coma in a deserted hospital to the remnants of a zombie holocaust before (28 days). We've seen plenty of dusty houses with suicide scenarios depicted, with the obligatory suicide note written in blood on the wall. We've seen the post-apocalyptic scenarios played out. Etc... But... I'm still interested. And zombies are still fun to me. And I think this show looks pretty good. I'm curious to see what directions it takes in the next couple weeks.
  8. You damn humans think you're so great. You think you rule the world with all your pants-wearing and your cellular telephones and your maximum payload super duty trucks all over the place. If we had a feces throwing contest right now, you wouldn't be feeling so superior, I can tell you that. Anyway, I just made the last post; therefore, I WIB!
  9. Watched the pilot last night. Looks pretty promising.
  10. I haven't, but anything the Coen Bros. do, I will check it out.
  11. I'm kinda thinkin' about digging into Deadwood, the HBO western from a few years back. Three seasons, all done with and on dvd. I've heard some very good things...
  12. Hi. Not much. Yup, me. Yes. Blueberry, pumpkin and dutch apple.
  13. I just got this Kindle game and it's pretty addictive. I play for what I perceive to be about 10 minutes and I look up at the clock and an hour has gone by. I highly recommend this game for Kindle owners. It's only $2.99 and it's really fun.
  14. Nov. 1 Still sitting here in this god muther -ing son of banana -ing hammock!
  15. A day late, but Happy Birthday Mead! I dig your posts.
  16. I recorded it last night. I'm pretty curious. My friend has been hyping this for a while.
  17. I second this. I came to this show late--I was not interested when it first came out. But now I consider it one of the greatest sit-coms of all time. Up there with Cheers, Seinfeld, Arrested Development. The writing is consistently great and funny.
  18. Just getting one more key win in here before the weekend starts.
  19. I like to have a nice lunch on Fridays. By the way, we're currently tied for 3rd place for most posts in this thread at 530, but I win the tiebreaker on point differential.
  20. What the hell, man! Let me have a tiny bit of hope. What you're calling "all this enthusiasm" is just us kind of believing that we have a chance of winning ONE GAME! You gotta let me have this. No buzzkills! Bills win 27-20.
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