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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. It's about time we had a disposable alcohol dispensing contraption as president in this country. No more bigotry!
  2. I recently wrote an article entitled "How I Got Tricked Into Wearing a Banana Hammock for Over Three Months, and Other Buffalo Bills Debauchery." Anybody who does not believe that these banana hammock related catastrophes really happened to me should check out the following: irrefutible proof
  3. I need to come up with a new sig line.
  4. Ironically, long term wearing of a banana hammock significantly lessens one's chances of ever having descendants.
  5. Sorry, couldn't let you have it for a full 24 hours.
  6. I dig the way you guys do business.
  7. Yes. By the way, my other positions are... ANTI-puritanical school districts ANTI-facebook PRO-cute 20-something ex-teachers who like to party
  8. I am no longer wearing a banana hammock!
  9. Bruh, What the hell are you asking us for? You're the super-rich guy, going to all the secret islands, etc... Why don't you ask one of the Princes or Dukes you hang out with?
  10. "Wodan's Day" if you wanna get with all that "factual" type stuff.
  11. Man, I gotta tell ya, there's places down there where I can't tell where the skin ends and the banana hammock starts. This thing is getting rank!
  12. I recommend starting up a professional football team in Western New York.
  13. I wear glasses. I have absolutely no problem at all with that. I actually enjoy when it's time to pick out new ones.
  14. I don't like Mondays. I wanna shoot the whole day down.
  15. Just to clarify... it's Friday morning. Buncha drunken hooligans.
  16. It's funny to me that you seem to have hit all the spelling possiblities EXCEPT the right one: Shawne Merriman
  17. Maybe she's doing it a little too right.
  18. I might be joining this club pretty soon. My girlfriend and I just started trying. I have lots of thoughts and feelings flying around in my head. Excitement is definitely in there. Fear is in there for sure too!
  19. To me, that means a lot! It means more than anything that comes from any of the network talking heads. The hardcore fans are the ones who actually watch every snap and base their opinions on real evidence instead of soundbites.
  20. I don't agree with that. You have to try to field a good team. Right now the defense is so awful that you can't even fairly evaluate the individual players. Right now, LB is the weakest link, so they went out and got a guy. You owe it to the fans to try to put a quality product out there. I know I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do. As for next year, who knows... maybe he'll sign and stay. Or maybe it will turn out that his best days are behind him and he no longer belongs in the NFL. At least the Bills acknowledged that they need to improve. That's a step in the right direction. Doing nothing because "we aren't going to make the playoffs" is defeatism.
  21. I wouldn't say he's unlucky and he's definitely not a loser. He got to play in the NFL. He has lots of money. He's still young enough that he has a pretty good shot of making it back into the NFL.
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