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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Not accurate. http://www.multpl.com/us-gdp-growth-rate/table/by-quarter
  2. Chelsea seems pretty harmless to me. I have always found Hillary to be a little suspicious however. Not completely evil, but cutthroat when she wants to be, no question.
  3. Unrelated, but it just struck me that this would be a very good porn pseudonym This of course would be Gugny’s porn name
  4. Honestly, my position is not very well thought out. I just can’t stand the rich brat. I hugely resent that this idiot entitled son in law piece of crap has all this supposed influence (ostensibly at least) in our government and nobody’s allowed to ask the boy wonder any questions and whatever he’s working on is none of our business for some reason. plus, I trust my instincts here. He’s a douche.
  5. Here’s how I see this interview going... Mueller: We have a lot of embarrassing dirt. Somebody will have to be indicted here. Trump: Take the boy—take Jared. Mueller: Done.
  6. I'm convinced now these !@#$s just don't want to do their jobs. It's more fun for them to just make accusations against the other side and then counter-accusations and call for more investigations. That's the real scandal, not that it's a surprise to anyone: Our legislators are lazy, foot-dragging, feces-throwing, vindictive idealogue !@#$s. We just have to come up with a catchy name for this scandal. Let's see...I don't know... "Investi-GATE!"
  7. Richard Jenkins would be on gaitorbait's side though. Just sayin'.
  8. One thing you have to admit is pretty remarkable if you grant that the conspiracy is true: Trump is showing unbelievable restraint right now! I mean, what a poker face, no? I wouldn’t have guessed he was capable.
  9. Apologies for the lame joke. It’s a little bit selfish & irrational, my hatred for Jared. I can’t help it. I just put all my political frustration in that place. And he’s such a colossal douche—it works for me as comedy relief. So, there ya go, bruh. You’re welcome.
  10. If the dominoes fall that way, I’ll be there with my popcorn watching like everybody else, even though I personally despise Trump and all his buddies. It would be tefreshing just to see some bigshots actually face real consequences for a change.
  11. Breaking News! Jared Kushner cleared of all wrong-doing in Mueller investigation. Investigators could not find any incriminating evidence whatsoever on Kushner's computer.
  12. You may be right. I don’t know. Although I doubt it will play out exactly according to the ultimate perfect fantasy Republicans are drooling over right now. I mean, Devin Nunes? Really? And they have this beautiful checkmate all lined up and Trump is thinking *MAYBE* he’ll de-classify the golden memo? Doesn’t scream legit to me.
  13. Nobody is winning anything. Everyone is spinning everything. It's all a huge mess. No one will come away smelling nice from any of the crap that is happening right now.
  14. Yo Trump so classy... (I hope this becomes a thing) Yo Trump so classy… he got a college named after him, and steaks & vodka & ****
  15. All the shutdown talk makes this run through my head: It's alright if you love me It's alright if you don't I'm not afraid of you runnin' away Honey, I get the feelin', you won't There is no sense in pretendin' Your eyes give you away Somethin' inside you is feelin' like I do We've said all there is to say Shutdown, honey go ahead and give it to me, Shutdown, honey take me tonight, Shutdown, I'm standin' hear can't you see, Shutdown, it's all right, it's all right, (You're welcome, DC Tom)
  16. J'mo is the John Gruden of scouting bj skills. He's really a huge fan of the whole business and thinks everybody's just doing a terrific job.
  17. Over in PPP, they refer to it, with great enthusiasm, as "releasing the memo."
  18. NASA can't be racist because if it were, it would get praised a lot more by the current Pres, Fox News and PPP.
  19. ^Responsible for stealing my childhood area code away from the whole greater Rochester area.
  20. I don’t pretend to know what’s really going on or how it will play out, but if one of the outcomes is footage of Jared Kushner being taken away in cuffs—that’s something all Americans can get behind.
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