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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Thank you, Jack, for correcting that.
  2. It's always RIP time in the Last Post thread. Random Interjectory Pronouncement Example: I win and whoever tries to take me down proves that I'm a donkey-loving itinerant elbow-licking crotch pirate.
  3. Sweet Jane has obviously been done to death, but I still love it. The lyrics kill me. I saw Lou Reed at a festival about 5 years ago and it was a pretty mediocre show. But Sweet Jane he really nailed and it gave me the chills. When he gets to "anyone who ever had a heart...wouldn't turn around and break it," it just gets me. In my opinion, Lou has a really impressive body of work. He has some head-scratchers in there (e.g., Metal Machine Music), but also a very long list of great great songs.
  4. In all the music discussions that go on around here, I never see mention of Lou Reed. I believe he is deserving of legendary status. I've long been familiar with the Velvet Underground stuff and many of Lou's "best of" solo songs, but recently I've been filling out my vinyl collection with some of his classic early solo albums... Transformer (of course), Berlin, Rock and Roll Heart, Blue Mask Legendary Hearts, Sally Can't Dance, Street Hassle. They hold up very well as albums. That is all, thank you. Lou Reed.
  5. My best was just over 2 million. But that was kind of a fluke. It was more than double my previous best. I was rocking the Sky Castles in that game.
  6. I had a brief period where I was playing it a lot. When you get better at it, you start thinking ahead more and the games start take longer and it creeps into your brain a bit. I was seeing Triple Town when I closed my eyes. I haven't played it in a while now, but it's very good if you need to kill time because it feels like you've been playing for 5 minutes and then you realize an hour has gone by. Good for making a flight go by fast.
  7. It's always nice to be reminded and to have lots of examples.
  8. I have a Kindle and I like it very much. I've had it for a year and I've read a bunch of books on it. Not a single problem to report. What I like most: The convenience. I can carry a huge amount of stuff with me. When I finish something, I can start reading something else right away. I can be in the middle of a bunch of different things at once (collections of short stories, etc...) and it holds your place & you can use bookmarks & make notes. Also, the Whispernet wireless is free and you can shop for new stuff whenever & wherever, get free samples, read reviews, etc... What could be better: The back catalog. Almost everything new is available for kindle. And anything old enough to be public domain is available and either free or very cheap. But some slightly older books are not there when you look for them. Some publishers are not up with the 21st century and there are some chunks missing from the back catalog. But this is something common to all e-readers, not just kindle.
  9. WTF! We get a photo of the bread knife, but not the girl? I know what a !@#$ing bread knife looks like.
  10. I hope he's found soon. Does he have a collar with contact info on it?
  11. I have never seen it. Part of me wants to get into nerdy sci-fi stuff, but it just never seems to happen.
  12. I've never watched a Bills game out west, but it must be weird to have your serving of Bills grief so early in the day. Here on the east coast, I'm used to my Bills grief spilling directly into my Sunday-night-gotta-to-back-to-work-tomorrow malaise. Must be nice to actually have a little bit of time on a Sunday afternoon to live your life.
  13. No. How do I know this? Because if they did, they'd be here already telling us all about it and asking for donations.
  14. Topic for discussion: If the devil is really God's arch nemesis (as is the popular presentation), then why does the devil punish those who sin against god? You'd think he would rebel against God's rules instead of enforcing them. I mean, who the hell's side is he on anyway? Discuss.
  15. Maybe. How come you never hear about grandeur unless somebody's having delusions about it? I'm gonna get me some of that REAL grandeur and then all you dumbasses are gonna regret ever doubting me. Then, if I wanna remember what it's like to be one of you dumbasses, I'm gonna have to have me some delusions of squalor. HA!
  16. It's a crazy world. A great big Thank You and Cheers to all the the soldiers who helped save the world all those years ago.
  17. In case anyone was wondering... No, I am not a Global Moderator. But I am the winner of the thing.
  18. Kinda like when a girl says to you, "what a prick!" and it turns out she's not really praising your sexual prowess. I had to learn that one the hard (or not) way.
  19. I've had Rebel Yell. I wouldn't call it smooth, but it's pretty good. I've heard that Keith Richards swears by it--it's his favorite.
  20. Wow, that's pretty damn cool! The possibility of alien life just got more possible and more alien.
  21. I really feel for you, Joe. My dog Billie is 14 and is starting to have some kidney trouble. When that day comes, I want to be there with her when she goes to sleep. I can understand both sides to this debate, but for me, I want to be there. The vet's office has always been an uncomfortable place for Billie and I want to give her as much comfort as I can. I'm gonna miss that little doggie like crazy and at the same time, I'm so grateful for her being a part of my life.
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