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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. In certain remote counties in Georgia the preferred plural form is "yamomminem." As in "Y'all be sure'n give my love to yamomminem for me now!"
  2. This kid's moving way too fast. Booze, drugs, juvie, guns, joyriding, sex with an older woman. All at 16! I know just what this kid needs to get his head straight: lentils.
  3. The distinct odor of pumpkin seeds comes from an extremely rare chemical compound called pepitas lutenae manganate. The only other natural source of this compound is the Jamaican Mountain Lily, which is used locally in conjunction with great quantities of marijuana as a powerful aphrodisiac and treatment for erectile dysfunction. We can conclude that your friend, despite being a flaccid pothead sexual deviant, is otherwise in good health.
  4. Yeah, why a panda? I understand the desire to punch somebody, but wtf? He should dress up as a mosquito or a rat or a politician or a banker...
  5. I think your biggest obstacle is going to be hydrogen psychosis, aka, "crazy eye."
  6. Nope. Tennis elbow is about injury/inflammation of the tendon that connects your forearm muscles to your elbow. It's pretty common. Bursitis is injury/inflammation of the bursa sac, which basically functions as a cushion in your joints. This is fairly common too, but probably not as common as tendonitis.
  7. Could also be tendonitis (aka "tennis elbow"). Very common and fits your description... pain felt most when you extend your arm and in the lifting motion. Seems unlikely that the blood donation has anything to do with it. Then again, I'm no doctor and I haven't slept in a Holiday Inn in years.
  8. I think for lunch today I'll have a nice egg & cheese bagel sandwich and a coffee.
  9. I think after one month you will be farting continuously, sweating mulligatawny soup and jonesing for a piece of pizza harder than you have ever jonesed for anything in your life. But good luck to you.
  10. Happy Christmastimes to Mrs. Beerball! And a Merry Casserole Season to us all!
  11. Rest in peace, you magnificent bastard! Moonlight in Vermont changed me (not sure for better or worse, but I'm glad anyway).
  12. I really should record the tap-tapping of this a-hole in the cubicle next to me. I've never encountered a person with a worse sense of rhythm. It's totally infuriating to listen to. He manages to avoid even interesting accidents. Even the world's most annoying performance artists could not recreate how utterly & maddeningly unmusical it is. I've tried to imitate it myself, just to be able to convey to other people what I'm talking about and I can't do it. There was a point when I considered the possibility that he is some kind of John Cage fan, uber-genius musical satirist. But no...all indications are that the man is an utter simpleton.
  13. I was once the young child of a single mother. I remember many of these boyfriends coming and going. Some were cool, some were not. I remember a couple of these douchebags as being particularly inconsiderate or even cruel to both my mother and me. I have had the strange opportunity of meeting a few of these guys later as an adult. A couple of them I remember as being cool and it was interesting to talk to them. There was one time though that I had the distinct pleasure of telling one particular asswipe what I thought of him and that perhaps he should go !@#$ himself and then promptly rot in hell. Moral of the story: Just be a decent person. It's ok if you date this woman and it does not last forever. As long as you are not an abusive prick, everyone involved will be just fine.
  14. Why am I soft in the middle when the rest of my life is so hard?
  15. Yes it is. His charm also lies in his often bizarre wording. He has a lyric quality that is sometimes so blatantly direct and simplistic-seeming, that it makes me laugh. I tend to think of it as "blurt-y." It's sort of an affectation of a dumb guy (which Lou is certainly NOT) just dumbly saying what he wants to say with absolutely zero pretention. I can understand why many people do not like him, but I really appreciate his shtick... "I guess I'm just dumb, 'cause I know I ain't smart, but deep down inside, I got a rock 'n' roll heart." "I watched it for a little while. I love to watch things on TV." "Just a perfect day feed animals in the zoo then later a movie too and then home" "I thought I was someone else...someone good" "We're gonna have a real good time together." "you're so vicious When I watch you comin' I just have to run You're not good and you certainly aren't very much fun" "But she never lost her head Even when she was givin' head" etc...
  16. I feel especially bad for this mysterious "Al" person who seems to be getting the brunt of JW's aggression.
  17. Reminds me of the old Steve Martin comedy routine, "How To Have A Million Dollars And Never Pay Taxes." Step one: get a million dollars.
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