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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. The fact that you can call it that tells me that you should think twice.
  2. I agree with what everybody else has said. I also think it's crazy to censor it. If you want to appease some of the complainers, put in a disclaimer before the title page that says this book contains some language that some may find offensive. Then take a second to explain the historical context and the author's point of view: that Mark Twain was the opposite of a bigot. You can't remedy an injustice without honestly facing up to what it is.
  3. Life just got a little tougher for Japanese janitors.
  4. I don't eat beef or chicken or pork. I do eat some fish.
  5. Put me down on the side that says the slaughter of wild horses is cruel and unnecessary.
  6. Why do the numbers do that so funny like.
  7. I had some meatless meatloaf the other day that was made from lentils. It tasted like lentils.
  8. Nobody wants to hear about what you had to do to become a mod. Anwyay, welcome to 2nd place, goat !@#$er.
  9. And yet strangely forgiving of convicted female teacher sex offenders.
  10. I'm in the kitchen with the tombstone blues.
  11. It's always hard to rank, especially when I'm a big fan of them all. I guess I'd do it like this... 1. Down By Law 2. Broken Flowers 3. Night on Earth 4. Dead Man 5. The Limits of Control 6. Coffee and Cigarettes 7. Mystery Train 8. Ghost Dog 9. Stranger Than Paradise 3 through 7 are really all tied for me--I could have rearranged these any way at all. Coffee And Cigarettes is especially hard to place because it has really amazing moments but also some dead spots. I agree with you on Stranger Than Paradise. It just doesn't really do it for me that much. A lot of critics gobble it up though. I'm willing to give it another shot. I've seen Fishing With John and I like it, but that's really a John Lurie project. Jarmusch just appears in it.
  12. Speaking of... I just saw The Limits Of Control. Have you seen that one? I liked it very much. Definitely meant to vex the blockbuster crowd and to defy explanation. I can understand how some would hate it and call it slow & intentionally obscure, but I loved it. Every shot looked amazing. It would be a disservice to try to say any more about it.
  13. Uh oh, dangerous clash of musical styles. Two extremely different songs in my head at the same time. Slight headache, wooziness... getting worse... feeling disoriented... pressure... Great, now my mind is blown again.
  14. Sounds like you got a case of "Borderline" Personality Disorder. Sorry.
  15. One of my favorite Paul Simon songs. Sticks in my head like crazy. Mama, don't take my Kodachrome away.
  16. You shouldn't let iconic rock stars tell you what to do all the time. You need to be more assertive. Jim Morrison tried to get me to steal a car once. I was like "Look, Jim, I don't mean to be rude but please stop trying to push off your reckless lifestyle choices on me. Also, knock it off with all that lizard king poetry garbage--nobody likes that." He was kind of mad, but eventually he came to respect me for it I think.
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