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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Yup, the Sounders. I was curious, so I just looked them up. This part from Wikipedia struck me as impressive: "In their two seasons, Seattle has sold out every league match"
  2. Ok, whatever turns you on. By the way--in response to the revised thread title--there's a fine line between challenged mentally and mentally challenged.
  3. Nice! I like it. I was really into the NASL there for a while as a kid. I was a Rochester Lancers fan. Me and about 11 other people. Anyway, this is a step in the right direction.
  4. I win. End of discussion. That's it. Whoever had 9,204 posts, you win the 2 free movie passes. Thanks, everybody. This was fun.
  5. Speaking of helmets, my all-time favorite is this one from Flight of the Concords. See, it's like your own natural hair, so nobody can even tell you're wearing a helmet. This is also pertinent to the original thread topic...Men: they like to invent things and solve problems.
  6. Awesome! It's right up there with this one.
  7. I agree. It gets used so much though that it has weasled its way into acceptable vocabulary. It's a really clunky and ugly word. Really stupid prefix/suffix usage. I cringe when I hear it.
  8. Yeah, that does get a little tired after a while.
  9. Actually, I had forgotten about it. Then I saw this. He says it was meant as a social commentary and that maybe he chose the wrong words. That doesn't seem accurate to me. He spoke specifically about my girlfriend and he spoke specifically about my child. What he said WAS personal and I don't think word choice had much to do with it when he said my baby should not live. Believe me, I'm not losing any sleep over it, but I thought about it and I decided I'm not saying "OK." So...
  10. I expect that you don't really care what I think, but I do not forgive you for the things you said to me about my girlfriend and my unborn child.
  11. What was Ally Sheedy from Breakfast Club doing there? (4th pic down)
  12. Well, you're very lucky then because mine never gets any exercise. Just make sure it doesn't forget to stretch.
  13. Happy Birthday, Beerball! You magnificent bastard!
  14. Speaking of beets and weird stank, anybody ever try borscht?
  15. "There's always time for crap." That's one of the lessons I plan to impart to the little one. Also, "Daddy is a champion."
  16. Thanks, everybody! I bestow honorary Uncle and Aunthood upon you all, my Buffalo Bills friends!
  17. I hear you. I definitely didn't mean any offense. I sometimes speak up about animal cruelty, but I don't begrudge anyone their livelihood. And I support responsible farming. I'm not any kind of fanatic or dogmatist. I was just piping in with a (admittedly half-baked) personal opinion. Cheers.
  18. I'm proud to announce that on or around July 20, a new Gringette or Gringo Jr. will be coming into the world. My gf and I are pretty excited. We've never made a person before, so this is a great big huge new step for us. We've decided for the gender to be a surprise. Either way, I'll be thrilled to some day witness a Bills playoff game with this little player to be named later.
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