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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. What Cuban place is that. My girfriend and I sometimes go to this cool little Cuban place called Coco Loco on Sidney Marcus. It's a little place in a strip mall, but the food is always great and the people there are extremely nic.
  2. Sounds fun! Craftmatic Desires I wanted to say Lindsay Lohan, but I already thought of a really good one for her: "Batschitt Beautiful" Next: Suzie Kolber
  3. Fun with anagrams: The Senator.........A Stent Hero
  4. I was just made aware that Jessica Simpson has her own perfume and it's called "Fancy Nights." It made me laugh out loud. I think if you asked me to come up with a joke name for a perfume for that walking cultural sinkhole, I'd probably think for a second and say...Fancy Nights. Perfect. Just perfect.
  5. I'm with you on this. Linebacker and DL are more urgent needs right now. (That Maybin pick will sting for a while). A solid RT pick in round 2 or 3 would be nice though. Other than that, I'm thinking they'll go with what they got at o-line for now.
  6. Whose turn was it to bring donuts this morning?
  7. mmmm... wine and records. I know what I'm doing after work. That is, if there's still a world left.
  8. I, for the most part, agree with this. Obviously, you have all the right intentions, but relationships are weird things. Your boss's explanation of the credit card charges is so incredibly lame that I'm sure your friend, somewhere in her mind, has an idea what's happening. She may have a powerful reason for repressing these thoughts. If you challenge her on this, she may interpret it as an aggressive act on your part. I know you want to look out for your friend, but you have to be careful. There may be ways to give subtle hints that you do not trust this guy, but I think it would be a mistake to take a hard line and get yourself in the middle. It's likely that she will have to work it out in her own way.
  9. It's just that They started getting snotty about it. I mean, I gave Them the exact coordinates They asked for. I tried to cooperate, but They had to be all rude. And I don't think that was very nice. But yeah, it's good to be on the side of Mrs. Beer Ball too.
  10. 30°20′S 139°22′E 55°01′N 82°56′E Sure, why not.
  11. Shhhh... still napping. Poor little guy's all tuckered out.
  12. Ohhhhh Yeah, yeah, no problem. I know Beerball has a bunch of guys hiding out in his basement. DC Tom has about 200 people locked up on his property--he's doing some brain experiments on them. And Sage has a few guys camping out in a lentil silo. Any chance I could get a luxury suite on the observation deck aboard the mothership? Free holodeck credits?
  13. At that price, it wouldn't work. But I think that would only be for the primo seats, no? Probably most seats would go for half that. I don't know the demographics and I haven't lived in Rochester since 1996, but my guess is they could support an MLS team.
  14. I highly recommend City of Thieves by David Benioff. Excellent novel. Takes place during the Siege of Leningrad
  15. At least it's a drink with booze in it. That's a hell of a lot better than the other NYC MLS team, which is named after a beverage for teenage wannabe partiers not cool enough to score ecstasy.
  16. I like to call 'em "hotcakes." (the hookers, that is)
  17. location: various (United States) time: present Is that ok?
  18. Ah, len, that gentleman, meant well, but lentils are gentle (not sent well). Besides, since it's lent, just what's his intent? The time is for fasting, not leguminous repast-ing. It's much better spent in repent.
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