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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Kind of gross in my opinion. Artificial rainbows? I can see fancy shmancy Vegas hotels utilizing this kind of thing. I think Ronnie James Dio is squirming in his grave right now.
  2. Monchichi... Mon-chi-chi... oh so soft and cuddly
  3. You know, I looked at this again... ...and I realized we're thinking about this all wrong. Obviously, it's ok to LIE (tell untruths) to a woman. But when you're out drinking, only a douchebag would treat his friends like that. Because, I mean, those are your bros. Bros before ho's. That's what God was telling us.
  4. Yup, I always wonder how these morons even survive day to day. I guess it's the "Mr. Magoo Effect." When you get to a certain level of stupid, there is this weird phenomenon of invulnerability. You're so stupid, the world cannot hurt you. It's like the eye of the imbecile storm.
  5. I hope SD is ok, wherever he is. He's been away for 3 months and he still has the most posts in the last post wins thread.
  6. Question for anthropologists: Why do stupid people love the Old English and Gothic fonts so much?
  7. That color worries me a little. I suggest cutting back on your lentil consumption.
  8. Nice win! Sabres are creating some nice momentum at a good time.
  9. Nice try. I know that's not really your girlfriend. That's Nicole Kidman's botox treatment BEFORE picture.
  10. I like ice cream sandwiches, but I haven't had one in a very long time. I don't know why that is. They are readily available. Maybe it's just an example of how your life goes by and you tend to forget about the really important things, like ice cream sandwiches.
  11. Freakin' Hosni Mubarak the mouse over here. You can't get him out!
  12. This is true, but with an important distinction: There ARE talented writers out there. It's just that, especially with publications with huge circulations, the majority readership demands inane crap. The lowest common denominator continues to get lower. There are still places to find quality journalism, fiction, movies, music, whatever..., but you have to spend a little time and energy to seek out what appeals to you. Rolling Stone has been a joke for a very long time.
  13. Bubble-butt porn and Dora are pretty much indistinguishable to me... Plot: Stupid, predictable Visually crude and uninteresting, with intermittent surrealist imagery Dialogue: Monosyllabic, infantile Overall score: 2/10 (if pressed to pick one over the other, I'd probably give the edge to the bubble-butt porn, for plausibility)
  14. When a recording says, "Please continue to hold. Your call is very important to us." = dick move
  15. Mead's wife: None the wiser (so far! )
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