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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I used to go get sushi at lunch every once in a while, but the place I like near my work lost their booze license. It's not the same without the sake. I think I need to find a new place.
  2. Funny video. Has very much the feel of a Tim & Eric skit.
  3. off the top of my head... "He Was a Friend of Mine" (dylan version) "Mr. Ambulance Driver" - Flaming Lips "Brass Buttons" - Graham Parsons "Sam Stone" - John Prine "Ain't No Sunshine" - Bill Withers "Between the Bars" (Madeleine Peyroux version)
  4. He's going to die very soon because I am going to murder him.
  5. Yup, I'm sure it will end up being something very close to this. I considered doing the whole naked-in-the-closet-with-the-belt-around-the-neck thing, just for a little added humiliation. We'll see. Either way, you can be sure Mr. Sheen will not see another springtime.
  6. I just decided: I am going to murder Charlie Sheen. This is my new project. I'm going to watch and wait and learn. And then I'm going to hunt him down and bring his consciousness to an abrupt and permanent end. I will make it look like an accident.
  7. Sounds like they were resisting arrest. Tase 'em! Tase 'em!
  8. Yeah, but look at the body of work. A true artist like that lives in his own unique moral universe.
  9. Sir, I'm 40 and about to become a Dad. Change "vigorously" to "methodically," "30" to "15" and "bask" to "sleep" and I'm all over that.
  10. Yup, things are looking good. Thank you! She's got that little bugger cookin' up real good. We decided to be surprised about the sex, so the anticipation is building. As of this second, the leading name candidates are... gringo jr.: Maximillian gringette: Zuzu Emily
  11. Agreed. When you yell at someone like this, all you accomplish is ruining that poor guy's day. It's almost never that guy's fault. Blame the company and its idiotic policies, but don't take it out on the guy trying to do a painful job. He's thrown out there with insufficient training. He doesn't deserve to be the punching bag for all your life's dissatisfactions.
  12. I think this thread has verve, moxy, pizazz.
  13. I'd hate to have that name. Whenever I was in a bad mood, I'd feel like the world was mocking me.
  14. Ah, the early 90's! What a great time. Bills regularly winning playoff games, US Military looking supreme and efficient, cool indie music on the radio. It's been downhill ever since.
  15. Being a Bills fan is like being a kid with cheapskate parents. You have that constant feeling of insecurity because your stuff is not as nice as everybody else in school. If you want something new, it's always no-name stuff and it falls apart. If you want the good brand, it's always used and kind of ragged. You know that pretty girl in your class you have a crush on? It's gonna take a miracle!
  16. Yeah, like the baker who got that whole body of Christ business to go over so well. Cha-ching!
  17. Youch! You cannot. In fact, I've always felt that free will is among the trickiest philosophical notions. I do not think it can be defended in any meaningful way.
  18. I get that it's your favorite season, but there's no need to be dirty about it.
  19. There's making your own post count mount and then there's making your own post count! I win!
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