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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. In: selfish, impulsive behavior; lewd gestures; having an aggressive sense of entitlement; being loud, obnoxious and uninformed; greed; intemperence; intolerance; cruelty; dogma Out: well-formed thoughts; dignity; consideration; depth; subtlety; science
  2. Yup! As far as I can tell, the only redeeming quality in people is their ability to recognize the greatness of dogs.
  3. 9,800. That's the temperature at which suckas start sweatin' (and at which gringo starr is just getting warmed up).
  4. Yes, there are four commonwealths. However, it’s still appropriate and accurate to refer to them as states.
  5. Wow, this is a truly shocking development. Obviously, our hearts go out to Mrs. Beerball, whose courage is an inspiration to us all.
  6. 100% I was surprised how easy that was. I hope those 38% are in some sort of assisted living environment. I hate to think that many of them are out there driving cars, having unprotected sex, waiving guns around WalMart, demanding to see our President's birth certificate, etc...
  7. I don’t know what to do for lunch today. I brought food from home because I thought I’d have to work through my lunch. But now I’m freed up and I want to go out and see some of this nice warm sunny day. But where? It’s a quandary.
  8. I like how you conveniently leave out the part about how it was court-ordered and at a high-security psychiatric facility, but whatever... I’m glad you had a good time.
  9. The sun is shining in my mind. I just had a really strong latte and Im pretty sure they slipped some PCP in there because my eyeballs are breathing pure liquid oxygen from the sky and I can see the future. (by the way, I end up winning this thread in June, 2014).
  10. They may have more overall posts, but I guarantee they can't come close to us in terms of subtlety, sophistication, depth of insight and overall literary excellence.
  11. I'd like to hear the girls' version of that conversation..."some creepy guy kept bothering us, talking about his poop."
  12. That's actually right in the middle of the normal range if you have tiger blood. Do you have tiger blood? I have tiger blood. I'm a winner.
  13. Hey, I used to watch that too. I haven't even thought of it in 20 years.
  14. I don't know that one. Can you hum a few bars or post a link to the tablature?
  15. I wholeheartedly agree with everything that has been said in this thread so far.
  16. No way!. I promise you that in the future, Inside Edition will have exactly the same amount of credibility as journalists that they enjoy today.
  17. Hey, CountDorkula, please give us your in-depth analysis and overall impressions of the Bills' scouting, drafting, coaching, schemes and overall performance over the last decade or so. Well said.
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