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Posts posted by Cugalabanza

  1. 13 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    The sanctions in question were the ones imposed by 44 on his way out the door - the ones designed to intentionally inflame the Russian situation into the political scandal it became. Those are, in my opinion, unimportant. 


    The administration has sanctioned Russia through other - better - means. Including just yesterday (or the day before, I forget which. The one Putin laughed at). 


    It's a canard, designed to get you to think the Russian story still has teeth. It doesn't.


    Wasn’t it signed by Trump in August, 2017?

  2. It totally doesn't matter if McCabe was fired or forced out or saved up his vacations days or whatever.  There won't even BE an FBI by the end of the week, after Devin Nunes unleashes his Necronomicon Ex-Mortis upon the world.


    [Note:  I get to decide later whether this post is considered sarcastic or prescient]


    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Magox said:

    There is no one that can reasonably make the argument that Trumps policies aren't better for the economy than Obama's.  Trump has been good for the economy, so much so that despite how much I dislike the man i ma6 vote for him


    Clearly, our economy is strong overall. And Trump will, rightly, make that the theme on Tuesday.  How much of that is due to Trump’s policies is subject to debate.


    And of course, when the heart of your economic policy is cutting corporate tax rates and deregulation, that is going to stimulate GDP.  That’s the conservative bread & butter that Gives Paul Ryan wet dreams.


    It’s great to know that the USA still has a great engine for making wealth.  The greater discussion should include how that wealth gets shared among all Americans.  It’s no secret that real wages for the middle class have been stagnating for decades and that the concentration of wealth among the very top of that table is problematic.


    The trend of some big companies lately making public commitments to raising salaries & giving bonuses is a positive sign.  I’d like to see some attention paid to that as something of a national priority.


  4. 22 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    They both do. Without question. 


    But in this case, from these specific reporters and paper, color me suspicious. 


    Maggie should have been ousted for her disastrous work pushing WMD in Iraq on behalf of her USIC sources. The same sources, I'm sure, which are feeding her to this day. Schmidt has already thrown his hat behind Comey, coordinating his leaks. 


    A lot of damaging stuff came out yesterday in the form of texts, including the outing of a Washington Post Reporter as using both Strzok and Page as his "unnamed source" for dozens of articles the last year. Then this "story" hits right at the buzzer for the day's news. 


    It's a pattern that has repeated itself throughout this investigation - and they've always been wrong in the end.


    Clearly the TIMING of these things is no coincidence.  That part of it is obviously intentional and meant to distract.  That stuff is going on all over the place. 


    But this story, Trump wanting to fire Mueller.  I don't doubt for a second that it happened this way.  It's 100% consistent with everything we know about Trump.  Hothead, impulsive, ego-hurt.  Lucky for him, there was at least one cooler head available at the time.


    Anyway, it's not really all that damaging or revelatory.  It doesn't really tell us anything we didn't know already.  I don't think it implies that Trump was trying to obstruct.  I think Trump wants to fire just about everybody who's not a member of his family.

    8 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    Color me skeptical, as I've seen how this bratwurst is made.  


    Ok, that's enough food metaphors for now, at least until we see how this pudding crumbles.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    It just may not matter. I think he obstructed justice, asking for loyalty, asking McCabe who he voted for, admitting he fired Comey for "Russia thing," lying and a few other things. But what does it matter? I don't think this will be tried in a court. And the only way he can be held accountable for interfering with our institutions of justice--a serious thing--is through the political process of impeachment. That will be sh it show of misinformation, grandstanding and useless drama. So I don't know if this goes any where. 


    Now if it can be connected to a conspiracy with Russia to influence our election, that's another matter


    I guess.


    At this point, I feel like a substitute teacher in a class of first graders.  This kid says some other kid took his pencil.  That kid says the other one is lying.  I turn my back and somebody makes a fart noise.  Everybody's laughing.  Try to find out who did it, everybody points to somebody else.  More fart noises.  More laughing.  It descends into all the kids running around screaming, throwing stuff. 


    Right now all the politicians & pundits need to sit down at their desks with their heads down so we can have a little quiet time.  I don't care who started it.  Everybody needs to be quiet so we can get some work done here.  It's !@#$ing lord of the flies with this crap.





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  6. 20 minutes ago, snafu said:

    What justice did the President obstruct if he didn't fire the Special Prosecutor, and the investigation is ongoing?

    What justice did the President obstruct if the investigation continued after Comey was fired?


    I happen to agree with this.  Those yelling obstruction of justice at this point are wishful thinking.  That charge may yet be made, but from what we know at this point, I don't see a case for it.


    What information exists within Mueller's investigation or any other investigations, we simply do not know.

    24 minutes ago, Nanker said:

    Obstruction of justice is exactly what the DOJ, FBI, and the Congressional Democrats and Senators are currently doing. Stonewalling and coverups, withholding evidence, destroying evidence, and refusing to cooperate are hallmarks of the Dems strategy to cover up the fact that there was a plot to overthrow the Trump administration by illegal means. 



    It's possible that there is some truth to what you're saying here.  But, just like with the Russia stuff, it's all conjecture at this point.  And tons and tons of misdirection and posturing and disingenuous bull **** from all sides.

  7. 51 minutes ago, garybusey said:



    Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened to Quit




    No great surprise that Trump wanted & tried to do this.  He should consider himself lucky that Don McGahn had some balls & good judgement prevailed that day in June.

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  8. 24 minutes ago, BillsEnthusiast said:


    My Iron Maiden fanboy is showing here, but I think their recovery from the Blaze Bayley era with Brave New World was great. Going from Paul to Bruce was legendary, of course. 


    I’m not that familiar with the late era stuff. I might need to check it out.

  9. 1 hour ago, keepthefaith said:

    Those numbers are not correct or use a different method of calculation than those that are "official" and after adjustments.  GDP is often first reported and then later revised.  What you show here is not reliable.  Below from your same source is a different set of numbers.




    Even this data refutes 3rdnlng's claim that the economy never grew as much as 3% in a quarter under Obama.  Also, the numbers are different according to different sources.  Here's a report of REAL GDP that shows higher overall numbers for the last few years.

    real gdp.png

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