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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Sorry to be late. Hope you had a great one, AJ! Cheers!
  2. That's how I win this muffugger! I drag everybody down to my level. I lead 'em out into the deep water. A little trick I learned from Mr. Dick Jauron.
  3. Ah yes, I see it now. I don't know how I missed that. Thanks!
  4. Maybe it's just temporary. But it didn't seem that way from what I read.
  5. And the family is giving him up? WTF? Truly, dogs > people!
  6. Whaddya think? Should be a great game. The actual game time is 2:45pm ET, but I don't think it's gonna be televised live. The only listing I see for it is a replay at 8pm on FSC.
  7. I think I'll go for a walk outside now the summer sun's callin' my name (I hear ya now).
  8. I've always had this fantasy about making my own low rent version James Bond movie, where I step up to the bar and place my signature drink order of a Pabst Blue Ribbon, "shotgunned, not stirred." Maybe that's the title of the movie too--I don't know yet. I'll have to talk to my people and get back to you.
  9. Personally, I think the fast pouring is the best.
  10. Why yes, I would like a delicious ice cream sandwich. Thank you very much.
  11. Starship Troopers was definitely cheesy, but it was actually kind of entertaining I thought.
  12. You should show some respect. I just had you assassinated for your insolence. Then my dog Bille (the Timecop) went back and altered the course of history in order to restore your present existence. This is to demonstrate to you how it works. Unfortunately, one of the inevitable results of altering history is that you have no memory whatsoever of the alternate timeline in which you were murdered. So you'll just have to take my word for it. But for a while there, you were all like "Oh no, please don't hurt me. I take it all back. I'll never doubt Billie's abilities again." etc... I'm sure you can appreciate how exhausting it is for me to have to tell you this after all we've been through.
  13. You may be right. I was interested when I heard that Rosario Dawson had an extended nude scene. So I looked it up and even that was completely lame. I’ve always thought she was beautiful, but that terrible fake torpedo job she got is disturbing. Other than that, I’ve only seen very short little parts of the movie and it looked 100% nauseating.
  14. You ok over there? I hope you packed an extra pair of undies.
  15. JACK’S DR.: Jack, I’m going to have to ask you to stop masturbating. JACK: Why? I heard it helps to reduce anxiety. JACK’S DR.: Because I’m trying to examine you.
  16. What if it catches on and all the ladies want to do it. You'll be beating them off with both hands.
  17. I'm a big Woody Allen fan. There are probably 20 movies of his that I've seen multiple times. However, Celebrity is so bad that, while you're watching it, it makes the very notion of entertainment or artistic expression seem impossible. Not only does it make you hate the movie you’re watching, but it makes you never want to watch ANY movie ever again. Kenneth Branagh runs around trying to play the familiar neurotic Woody character and it’s just painful. It’s boring and pompous and empty and it goes on forever.
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