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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. She's doing great. Poopin', eatin', sleepin', you name it. Her name is Zuzu Emily and she's a cutiepie! Why, you rotten so and so!
  2. Riddle: What has two thumbs and is ready for lunch? THIS guy.
  3. We all go a little mad sometimes. Haven't you? You know what I think? I think that we're all in our private traps, clamped in them, and none of us can ever get out. We scratch and we claw, but only at the air, only at each other, and for all of it, we never budge an inch.
  4. A cousin of mine actually pulled off the babysitter bang. His parents had a lot of money and he had two younger siblings. So, they’d hire this supercute&sexy babysitter to watch the little ones even though my cousin was like 15. The sitter was probably 17 or 18 at the time. Somehow, he managed to finagle his way in with her. A couple years later, he actually dated her openly for a while. She was really gorgeous. I was quite jealous of that scoundrel bastard.
  5. Seems to me, Buffalo buffalos been gettin' buffaloed pretty regularly in Buffalo, Foxboro, New Jersey, Toronto...you name it.
  6. Blech! Milk Duds "duds" is right.
  7. Dammit, me too. I'd try to get out of this tea party thing, but I already promised Mrs. Bunnyrabbit and Mr. Bucklesworth.
  8. That's ok. Here's a nice hot cocoa and a blanky. Everything's gonna be ok.
  9. Yes! I posted about this a couple years ago and people thought I was nuts. Not only is it an interesting bit of word play, but it serves as a profound cautionary reminder of how the cycle of abuse gets perpetuated.
  10. That's it. You're not invited to the tea party.
  11. Me too. If I had the opportunity right now to lay down somewhere comfortable, I'm pretty sure I could be asleep within 5 seconds.
  12. So I’m here every day, busting my butt, posting really high quality insightful stuff while Dorkula is at his cushy luxury toejam rehab spa, sipping mimosas and playing ping pong... and then he just waltzes back in here like he owns the place and claims the title? Oh, no he dint!
  13. Wow!!! I missed this announcement somehow. This is very very exciting. I think this is an awesome move. Really looking forward to how things develop in the next couple years and into WC 2014. Nice work, AJ! You finally got someone to listen to you.
  14. Thanks, Fitzbeardy! I love these reports.
  15. Why am I soft in the middle when the rest of my life is so hard?
  16. Future High School Geography Test Question... What environmental factor is most responsible for the painful ignorance of American students? A. Vast mountain ranges prevent adequate flow of oxygen to suburban communities B. Cool, attractive male students unable to concentrate due to being constantly seduced by female teachers made exessively horny by overload of microwave signals from cellphone towers C. Gravity literally causes the knowledge to fall down into Mexico D. Our country is just too big and has too many states. There’s no way anybody could remember all that stuff Correct answer: B
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