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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. This thread is so dumb. [“How dumb is it?!”] This thread is so dumb, the winner is BLANK.
  2. Those are both great ones. Hard to pick a favorite. These are a few that come to mind... Stooges – “Search and Destroy” (“I'm a street walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm”) Ramones – “Got No Place in the 9 to 5 World” (I know it’s not from their classic era, but it’s one of my favorites) Beastie Boys – “Sabotage” Butthole Surfers – “I Shot the Bar-B-Q Pope” 1,000 Homo DJ’s – “Supernaut”
  3. Damn you, side effects of pot smoking! I can’t remember anything.
  4. Ok, now I have to start a band just so we can call ourselves this.
  5. I think people who interject political comments into threads should have their tax rate increased to pay for an entitlement program for same-sex-married death row inmates to have access to free abortions.
  6. Let’s change the subject. All this talk about me being young and tender is bad for my reputation. If this keeps up, I’m afraid I will get drafted by the Buffalo Bills in the first round as an undersized pass rushing defensive end. I don’t need that kind of stress my life.
  7. I did complain. The thing that I was most upset about was that the links to the games were sometimes messed up. I think I missed chunks of the first quarter in about 6 or 7 of the games last year. And sometimes I would spontaneously get an error message in the middle of a game and it would take a long time to get back in. I called DTV (not easy because they don't publish a customer service number--you have to dig for it). They acknowledged that they had problems with their service, but they insisted that their policy is to not provide any rebates or refunds, period! They know they have you over a barrell. They make you pay the full $350 upfront. Then they make ZERO considerations for bad service. And they make no apologies. They simply tell you there is no recourse. I tried to escalate the issue somewhat, but got tired of banging my head against that wall. It's unfortunate but true that DTV has exclusive rights. No competition = crazy pricing and poor service. In their defense, it did improve over the course of the season last year, but still not great. I almost pulled the trigger and got it again this year, but finally decided against it.
  8. I got the Sunday Ticket To Go service last year. They didn’t require any explanation from me. I don’t have the DirecTV satellite service. I just did the mobile streaming internet thing. They didn’t hassle me about it. I don’t think I’m gonna do it again this year though. I’ve been considering it, but I don’t want to spend $350 on streaming video that doesn’t look that great, has occasional hiccups and that I can’t pause or record.
  9. Sounds good. Even though I’m a vegetarian, it looks like we’ll be having a turkey for dinner after all.
  10. You mean he could actually make me eat a corndog even if I don't want to? I think I need to go back and re-read the board rules & policies. That's pretty messed up.
  11. Hi, I’m gringo starr. I’ll be your Thread Champion for the next few minutes. Thank you for your support.
  12. I hope you had a great birthday, Cablelady! Although I have never actually met you, all indications are that you are a very nice person. Cheers!
  13. Plus, you're all hopped up on keyboard crusties. I hope you're not planning on operating any heavy machinery in the next few hours.
  14. You know... I don’t really know how to evaluate this trade. I’ve always been a big fan of Evans, based on how great he can look at times and on how great his attitude has been through all the crappy changes over the last few years. Is he a great player whose production has suffered due to a sputtering offense? Or is he just another in a long line of first rounders who wasn’t as good as we thought? I just don’t really know. Anyway, I wish him well. I hope he has success in Baltimore. He’s a good guy—he deserves it.
  15. And the guy behind the counter goes, "Hey, aren't you Bob Bradley? Didn't you used to be the coach of the men's national team?"
  16. I agree with all this. I think it’s time to move on from Ricardo Clark and Jermaine Jones. We’ve seen enough of their bumbling. Brek Shea was a nice surprise..great positive energy. Aguedelo looked great, better than he has in a long time. As the commentator said, Aguedelo is a guy who can really benefit from Klinsmann being there. Our strikers have looked very “MLS” for a long time. I think we’ve had some good talent at striker, but it’s been squandered by the team playing very tentative and without attacking confidence. Klinsmann talked about letting Donovan move more freely to be a playmaker. I think we saw the benefits of that in the second half last night. Throw Dempsey in the mix...and Holden and Altidore and Feilhaber... this is a really exciting time for team USA. It was great to hear Klinsmann’s interview after the game and to see him interact with the players. He’s really having fun and I think the players sense that, after a long period of stagnation, they will be taking a big step forward.
  17. Tonight's friendly... USA 1 - Mexico 1 Looked sloppy at first, but USA improved as it went on. They looked dominant for the last 30 minutes, generating lots of chances. Could have (should have) pulled out the win. Really exciting to see the energy created by Klinsmann's influence. And his comments after the game were very encouraging. I really think we will see a great leap forward for team USA over the next couple years. Thanks again to ajzepp for pulling the strings with the U.S. Soccer Federation to make this coaching change.
  18. If by "bounce house" you mean my living room and by "I love myself jacket" you mean my Losman jersey, then YES.
  19. Sometimes I think I have delusions of normalcy.
  20. You can't allow dogs in court. Too influential. I know my dog, Billie, can control people's thoughts just by looking at them. I mean just look into her eyes--it's mesmerizing. Anyway, like I was saying, these dogs definitely should be allowed in the courtroom. Also, there should be lots and lots of treats available for them. And I mean the good ones, like those gourmet chicken jerky strips.
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