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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Not anymore. Go poop in your fist is sweeping the nation.
  2. If they want to send their kids to public school? YES.
  3. Bah! Who needs it? I prefer Engrish.
  4. Oh, these little **** kids! I'll give 'em something to cry about!
  5. Ah, go poop in your fist. I am win!
  6. On of the Related Stories at the bottom cracked me up: “Ancient Humans Interbred with Us” What a stupid headline! What the hell is the “Us” they’re referring to? Makes it sound like neanderthals are time travelling to 2011 and sneaking into our bedrooms at night.
  7. This whole business scares me. I think I'm gonna start immunizing other people's children, just to be safe.
  8. Well said. The future is a scary place. A very different kind of critical mass seems to be gathering. A critical mass of idiocy, comprised of a growing number of people who reject sound science and facts in favor of fear and dogma. A critical ASS, if you will.
  9. I've farted into an afghan before. I wouldn't recommend it. All the little holes let the stinky out. It's much better to use a comforter or heavy blanket. [see dutch oven techniques]
  10. It counts. Times is hard. Gringo gots to get his swerve on.
  11. Congratulations! My little girl is two months also. She's had her first round of shots too. The anti-vaccine people are absolute nutcakes.
  12. I just got back from the wine store. That's what I did during my lunch hour. Unfortunately I won't be able to drink any until later.
  13. The long lockout has hurt us. Our interior OL looks out of synch.
  14. Wow, I had no idea it was that bad.
  15. I think you'll like it. Don't set your expectations too high. I mean it's kind of silly, but it's fun. I'm tellin' you: Master Legend. He's the man! "A superhero works up a whopping thirst."
  16. Right. It's not just Comic-Con fun & games for these nerds. They want to BE the fantasy. At one point Stan Lee talks about the phenomenon and he says something about how these people seem to have their hearts in the right place--he just hopes nobody gets hurt. At times it seems like these people are being mocked, but there's kind of a sweet side that gets shown too, about how genuine some of them are in their desire to really help people.
  17. I watched it. It's pretty interesting. Had me laughing out loud a couple times. Look out for the one guy who calls himself Master Legend. Hilarious! EDIT: By the way, this is just a one-shot documentary film, not a continuing series.
  18. Exhausted today. Got a total of 45 minutes of sleep last night. Trying to get the baby on a schedule. Up ‘til now we’ve had her all cozy in bed with us. Now she’s on her own in the crib. If I get my hands on this Dr. Ferber SOB,...
  19. This is all fine about almost zero preparation. The part that scares me is the bit about no chip blocks in pass protection. It puts the QB in considerable danger. There were a couple times when rushers came totally unblocked from Fitz’s blind side and he got smeared. I noticed the refs were calling roughing the QB closer than usual, but still... all debate about Fitz’s accuracy aside, we don’t want to go into the regular season with Tyler Thigpen as our #1 guy.
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