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Posts posted by Cugalabanza

  1. 13 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    What KIND of ice cream?  If it's peach, he should be shot.


    I heard that imp gets two scoops, one peach, one mint.  It’s a special concoction, they made just for him.  It’s called... the [redacted due to lameness of joke] sundae.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, LeviF91 said:


    If you had zero responsibilities like me we could be ketamine buddies.  The k hole is right up there with the sweet embrace of death when it comes to being not human anymore.


    But noooooo, you had to have a kid.  Psh.




    It's very tempting.  That's something I haven't tried.  Most of what I know about it is from the song "K Hole" by the Silver Jews.  It includes this great line:  "Better get inside the kingdom and close the door."


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  3. 7 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:



    Oh, please. If that were a white redneck wearing a Dukes of Hazzard shirt, CNN top story tonight would be how the right is full of crazy racist nutbags.


    Own it, mi amigo. The left has gone fullgoosebatschittcrazy, and they can't hide any more.





    I don't have to own anything.  Crazy is not a partisan phenomenon.


    I remain totally unaffiliated.  Most days I don't even want to be a human being.


    One thing that is not crazy is for people who were brought to the country when they were children to want to stay because it's the only home they've known.  Are you surprised that this is something that is important to people.


    By the way, this isn't one of the issues that I've talked about or taken a stand on.  I think immigration in general is an area where the left needs to make some concessions.  However, the DACA thing seems like something congress should come together on, get it done and move on.

  4. 4 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:

    Damn these leftists are stupid as !@#$.


    It's just two people.  Some lady named Alex and her sister.  I'm sure the majority of dreamers would hope to stay.  It's easy to cherry pick some people on the street for a ludicrous soundbite.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Albwan said:

    Need to look at his audience....the left hated and attacked and name called him before he was even

    sworn in, total immaturity, acting like children taking tantrums because they didn't get their way...

    I have proof...look at youtube search liberal meltdowns, hours and hours of it. 

    You cannot rationalize with people with this mentality.

    I don't blame him, these people/media daily attack every single thing about the man, every single day, I mean

    really attacking family, 10 year olds?




    Ah, go put it in a memo.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Albwan said:

    Funny thing, Trump is a master troll, and yet they fall for it every time.


    Yeah, but being a troll is not a skill or something to be proud of.  Anyone could be a troll.  You just have to embrace your inner 7 year old !@#$ self and let loose.  Being a master troll is not a skill that would be useful in most adult jobs.  President of the USA is an example of the kind of job where you might want to have someone at a level of maturity above the level of troll.

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  7. Just now, Cinga said:

    Then how can you pretend to speak for one?

    I for one don't need anyone else to tell me what I want or how i feel. Will there be some outliers that agree with you? Probably, but I guarantee the overwhelming majority of vets will agree with me. 


    I'm not telling anyone what to want or feel.  Just stating an opinion.  But, like you say, I'm not a veteran, so I concede that your opinion has more weight here than mine.

  8. Just now, 3rdnlng said:

    How do you know this?


    I don't.  I took that sentence out right after I typed it.  Have there been any significant improvements?  I read an article recently about how many vets are discouraged that Trump has not lived up to his promises.  But I haven't really done research.  If I'm wrong about that, please correct me.

  9. I’m not a veteran, but if I were, I think I’d find this parade idea insulting.  Trump made a lot of promises to vets during the campaign.  So far, he has not really done anything.  Suicide, mental illness and homelessness still big problems.  This is a lot of fanfare in lieu of any real help for our veterans.  It would be a nice ego boost for our infant president I suppose.

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  10. 14 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    Doesn't help that their constituents demand the president legislate.


    Too many Dirty Harry type movies.  Americans don’t have patience for all those stupid “rules” the bureaucrats downtown are always whining about.  We do what we gotta do to get RESULTS, dammit!


    In one way, it's hugely dangerous and contrary to democracy.  On the other hand, ah well, !@#$ it.  It's who we are.


  11. Our legislators aren't very good at legislating, but they seem to have a natural talent for pointing fingers at their enemies and demanding investigations.  Reminds me of that great Schoolhouse Rock song about the long journey a memo takes to finally become an indictment.





    • Haha (+1) 3
  12. 13 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Just a small point: The can of worms was opened when 44 and HRC decided to weaponize the USIC against their political opposition. 


    The memo isn't opening that can, it's the first step in exposing the malfeasance to the public. 


    Let's not shift the narrative already. This wasn't started by Nunes. This was EXPOSED by Nunes (and others). There's a key difference. 



    Just because the dossier is unverified and the FISA warrant was approved, that doesn't mean that the dossier was the only evidence submitted to the court.  It's possible that Comey (and the court) dismissed the dossier yet still considered other information as sufficient for the warrant.


    I'm not saying that's what happened, but it's a possibility, no?

  13. 1 hour ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Wow... Is that where Portland is?


    The dotted line is Portsmouth, NH/Kittery, ME.  Buffalo is clearly in Maine, Portland, Maine... :lol:


    Ah, you're right.  I was thinking that line was meant to be the VT / NH border, but I see now it's NH / ME.


    I also like how they just plop Pittsburgh right in the middle of PA.  :lol:



  14. 2 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


    I even think that's an exaggeration.  The Russians used public communications channels to influence American public opinion; that they've achieved this level of polarization, infighting, and vitrol has to be a result beyond their wildest dreams. 


    I think you're right.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Paulus said:

    Both sides drag shiz out because of political reasons. The issue here is the FBI should not be a "side." 


    That said, I wouldn't put it past the Trump Admin to be behind many of the leaks which were negative about Trump. However, if the leaks are coming from within the FBI and dripping out Wikileaks fashion, then there is certainly a HUGE !@#$ING PROBLEM which SHOULD result in Gitmo time for many members of the Intel community and within the DNC. 


    It sucks because there is no such thing as a real crime on the Hill, these days. 


    I'd like to see all the info come out.  And it's certainly possible that some individuals may face some consequences.  However, I'm not feeling the whole conspiracy thing.


    I see it all as Russia having achieved just what they intended.  They fed stuff to both sides and exert their influence insidiously every way they can.  The chaos we're seeing now is making Putin very happy I'm sure.


  16. More and more, I’m beginning to think that the reason for the delay in releasing the memo is that the White House is still brainstorming how to best finesse it all because it’s their last ditch chance to quash (or dampen or diminish) the Mueller investigation, probably because Mueller actually has some damaging stuff.

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