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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Hmmm... now you got me thinking. She does have some traits in common with a beerball: round shape, gassy, causes giddiness and impaired judgement to those who come into contact with her,...
  2. Wanna read some cool short stories? Check out George Saunders.
  3. I see an endorsement deal with Starbucks here. This would be like a 10x super-strong blend and they would throw a bunch of pills in there, some crank, tiger blood, testosterone, steroids, viagra, penicillin, you name it...
  4. Funny... My daughter's middle name is Emily. Her mommy's name is Elizabeth.
  5. [LAMP] Happy Birthday to my little girl (12 weeks today). For nicknames, I like to alter famous people names to describe what she’s doing... Cryin Fitzpatrick (or Ryan Spitzpatrick) Happy Girlmore Crabby Hoffman Gaseous Clay Steve Fartin Raymond Burp Smiles Davis Forrest Grump Fuss Johnson Thurstin More Iggy Poop Diarrhea Pearlman Squirmin’ Helmsley Moody Giuliani And my favorite... Droolius Irving
  6. I want to love him, I really do. It’s just... I’ve been hurt before.
  7. Yup. Good movie and she looked pretty hot in it.
  8. Both fighters showed their true colors... Ortiz: mediocre skills, zero intelligence. Mayweather: no-class loudmouth jerk, but untouchable to punks like Ortiz. The real winner of the night: Larry Merchant, for his hilarious post-fight interview with Mayweather, when he ended by saying he wished he was 50 years younger and he would kick Mayweather's ass!
  9. $5,000. That’s a lot of money for a bicycle. I hope he gets his pants caught in the chain and loses control while riding and falls down and chips his two front teeth. And while he’s in oral surgery getting his teeth fixed, I hope it’s painful for him. And I hope this pain causes his mind to wander and he thinks about the time he threw the ball out of bounds on fourth down and that he has a sudden moment of clarity in his life which causes a great wave of shame to wash over him. And I hope he cries.
  10. Hmmm... With your words, you seem to be saying that you are very grateful for the help you received. However, there is something in the tone of what you are saying that is somehow at odds with this. It’s almost as if to suggest that perhaps you are not being 100% truthful in your statements. It’s the strangest thing. I with there was a word for this kind of thing.
  11. Strange fact about human nature: Merely mentioning the fact that you cannot lick your own elbow will cause 85% of people to try.
  12. **** !@#$ !@#$ !@#$ !@#$er hmmm, interesting.
  13. It's all fun & games until there's an episode of "SNAPPED" about you.
  14. I had the same experience with the "The Champ." I think I was about 7 when I saw it in the theatre. EDIT: It came out in 1979, so I guess I was nine.
  15. You know what's nice sometimes? Raisin toast.
  16. I know I’ll probably be alone on this, but I think Requiem for a Dream is just a so-so movie. Something about Darren Aronofsky’s stuff just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can’t put my finger on it, but I just don’t like the way he tells a story. It rubs me the wrong way. Not to take away from Ellen Burstyn--she was great in it...simultaneously hilarious and heart-breaking.
  17. Dancer in the Dark Deerhunter The Celebration Love Liza Clean, Shaven Midnight Express Breaking the Waves Trees Lounge
  18. Nice! This hit me right away, from Live After Death.
  19. 87 and breezy I don't know what the weather is right now. I just thought I'd share my IQ and personality type.
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