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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Regarding Geno (and the reference)...I’m sorry for the loss of your unc(le, I love it)
  2. I know, they suck NOW. But in 1997... [makes Italian chef finger-kiss gesture) mmmwaah!!!
  3. A little too quiet in here today. I’m having a boring day here and I need some entertainment. Let’s try to step it up now. C’mon, hit me with some funny ****. Dance for me, clowns!
  4. I've always really like this record. Just listened to it again after a while and it absolutely stands the test of time. I think it deserves to be considered as one of the best albums of the 90's. Thank you for your time.
  5. Georgia progress report: Last Sunday I was watching the game with a friend of mine who has never been more than just a casual fan. At halftime, he said, “if the Bills actually come back and beat the Pats, I’m ordering a Fitzpatrick jersey.” Check. Also, I just got a little Bills pajama thing for my 3 month old daughter. Check. Of course, I have my classic Jim Kelly jersey too.
  6. Yeah, that could be one too. But you wouldn't want to use it too much. Just every once in a while when you really need to bail yourself out.
  7. They should have one to tell you how to respond to whatever craziness is coming out of her mouth, like a teleprompter... “Wow, that’s interesting” “I’m sorry” (just nod your head) “I feel the same way” “I can’t believe she disrespected you like that” “Of course your sister can stay with us” “Then what happened?” “No, I don’t think you overreacted at all”
  8. Please fix the subject line. You forgot the word “at” at the end. I almost couldn’t hardly figger out whatchoo was sayin’ there.
  9. Its gonna sound like Im being facetious, but Im not... I think this statement contains everything we need to know about the human condition. Philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, holy men and women, poets, politicians and intellectuals can all put down what theyre doing and just consider the implications of this little blue strip on beer bottles.
  10. Pretty amazing, the origins of the Bills' offensive skill players... Starting QB Ryan Fitzpatrick – 7th round draft pick, from Harvard Starting RB Fred Jackson – UNDRAFTED (played Division III college ball at Coe College; played two years for the Sioux City Bandits in the National Indoor Football League; played one season for the Rhein Fire in NFL Europe. Now a legitimate starter in the NFL at age 30). Starting Wide Receivers Steve Johnson – 7th round draft pick Donald Jones – UNDRAFTED (college: Youngstown State) David Nelson – UNDRAFTED (Florida) Starting Tight End Scott Chandler – 4th round draft pick (waived by Chargers in 2009; waived by Cowboys in 2009; waived by Giants in 2010; waived again by Cowboys in 2010; started first NFL game for Bills on 9/11/11 and scored two touchdowns. A week later, scored another.)
  11. And I believe the longest is 20--the Dolphins over the Bills (aka 0 for the 70s).
  12. Thanks for posting this. I’m not a fan of Ann Coulter’s politics, but it’s nice to get this point of view, which includes actual info from the case and from the various appeals. Even though she can't keep her own agendas out of it, she does add some relevant details to the discussion. I have to agree that the mainstream articles I’ve seen about this have been woefully short on facts and long on axe-grinding. I don’t personally support the death penalty, but that’s not really the immediate issue. It’s whether the guy is innocent or guilty of murder. It’s good to see some intelligent discussion of that issue, which was sorely missing in the other articles.
  13. Good article in the current Atlantic on this too. I think it's a good argument. I think eventually, athletes will share some of the revenue, whether it's a stipend or whatever, who knows? Of course, the NCAA has on it’s side all the money and power and history. They’ll do their best to avoid sharing any of that.
  14. I don’t know the details of the case, but when you have 7 of 9 eyewitnesses recanting and so many people “including former President Jimmy Carter, Pope Benedict XVI, former FBI Director William Sessions, former Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Norman Fletcher and Larry Thompson, the former deputy U.S. attorney general” calling for a stay, I think it makes the state of Georgia look pretty backwards.
  15. Ha! Thanks for restoring my confidence. I am the rightful Daddy after all! Ah, science.
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