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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Good point! I don't get the angle many seem to be taking on this. Oh no, apparently somebody said Gruden is not a super nice guy to work with. And no one's coming to his defence, so it must be true. You'd think he was accused of sexual assault or something. Although, if he were, it probably would not hurt his rep as much among typical sports fans.
  2. Thanks! I was kind of wondering what music to play when I get home. Every day after work, my 4 month old daughter and I listen to an album while we do some play time. It's been too long since I've listened to Tim.
  3. I don’t care if it has become cliché. I still enjoy making fun of Nickelback. I guess it’s possible that there are bands out there who suck worse, but Nickelback IS terrible. I’m so glad that there is a movement out there to say no to dumb suckbag music like this.
  4. October 21 is in the past NOW, but it didn’t used to be. Also, if you think about it, November 8 is in the FUTURE and that’s when the asteroid flies by. Sounds to me like some time-travelling is in fact being done already (or has been done in the future, retroactively). There’s something they’re not telling us.
  5. I don't think you can say of a HC who won a Super Bowl that he is a mediocre coach. Maybe it's the case that he became complacent or for whatever reason did not work as hard in subsequent seasons. But making a playoff run and winning a Super Bowl--seems to me it's all about schemes and preparation and film study (not to mention leadership and motivation). You can hate the guy, but he did paint one masterpiece and you can't take that away from him.
  6. I agree that he needs some help. It's just that Fred is so damn good at everything they ask of him. He hits the holes like a champ and then makes guys miss. He singlehandedly raises the level of the passing game, as a blocker and a receiver. His pass protection help is absolutely top notch. It's hard to justify ever pulling him out of there. I think one of the benefits of the Wildcat is to find a way (maybe 2 or 3 plays a game) to have someone else get a first down and give Fred a breather. Your horse metaphor works too when you consider how the Bills keep dangling that carrot in front of his face. Pay the man!
  7. Actually, there is a reason. The Redskins play at home this Sunday at 1pm. There is an NFL rule that says if the local team plays at home, that can be the only game televised locally at that time in that market. Stupid rule, but I get burned on that here in Atlanta all the time.
  8. What I’ll say when the Bills hit Sanchez & force a fumble in his own endzone: “Best play ever, man.”
  9. Run the ball down the Jets' throats--take them out of the game. Win by several touchdowns--take the refs out of the game. Leave nothing to chance.
  10. I am the Champion! Happy Chump Day to all!
  11. So hard to choose. They're all so great. I finally went with Gonzo for his chicken fetish.
  12. First of all, that headline is pure poetry. I've never read anything like this article before. The starting point is pure insanity. Then, each sentence rachets it up even more, past what the human mind could consider possible. Brings my mind to a halt.
  13. I just read this. I completely agree with your review. It's totally shallow and gratuitous, but he describes the action sequences (and that's the majority of the text) well enough to keep from putting it down. I love the flimsy device of the sheriff insisting that they don't seek help outside their small town even though everyone is being slaughtered. They're apparently too embarrassed to admit they have a sasquatch infestation problem. They'd rather handle it themselves. I'm kind of tempted to start it (Infinite Jest) up again myself. When I read a summary or review of it, it really appeals to me. I just need to carve out some time to dedicate myself to really digging in.
  14. I think it's a good movie. I definitely like Viggo Mortensen in it. I just think that the book has something really great in the language. The plot is very simple and I just felt it in the book and the movie not as much. That's just my take. I think it would be better to see the movie without having read the book.
  15. Oh, crap, I need to watch this again. I didn’t put the subtitles on. I thought the characters were just mumbling. Or using words I didn’t understand because they’re so intelligent. Or incredibly pretentious and affected. I really need to see it again. I think I missed quite a bit.
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