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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Tangent: I agree Kirk > Picard, but Picard was pretty damn funny on the show Extras. “... and she's trying to cover up, but I've already seen everything.”
  2. "He no play-a da game, he no make-a da rules"
  3. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but when you send someone naked pictures of yourself and they say, "What a prick!" they do not mean it as a compliment.
  4. I just PayPal'd you 50 million drachmas ($0.15) What’s everybody doing for All Humpday’s Eve?
  5. I agree with you. I trust the mind of Chan to get it going again, but the offense has become very predictable in the last few games. Zero threat of the long ball makes it tough. Too much rests on Fred's shoulders. Gotta get Spiller, Chandler, Nelson, Jones more involved. The defense has been improving steadily in my opinion.
  6. Ah, yes the Nov. 2009 through Jan. 2010 period. That was a golden era. I just re-acquainted myself with some of the highlights... Debate: Almond Joy or Mounds? (result: inconclusive) Many long posts of song lyrics from, among others, The Doors, Suicidal Tendencies and Simon & Garfunkel The timeless polka question is asked, “who stole that damn kishka?” Gringo star promises wrath to those who shun him. Is immediately shunned even more, by everyone. Beerball claims victory, but it’s disallowed for a foot fault. Discussion of proper way to hang toilet paper (over the top or down the back). Result again inconclusive. The Lana and /dev/null sex tape gets released and promptly forgotten. pi is taken to many decimal points. DC Tom waxes humanist about how “we should strive to create an environment where each poster recognizes that they're special and unique.” Wawrow takes a stab at reciting the entire alphabet and nearly succeeds. “Poopy!” is exclaimed. What have I learned from all this? 1. I'm just glad Beerball came through that spriral vaginitis ok. 2. Kirk > Picard 3. Is there anything more beautiful and inspiring than a bunch of idiot sports fans mouthing off aimlessly on a message board?
  7. Good morning, everybody. Sorry I'm late.
  8. Don't anybody get excited. She just means she'll fart into all the cushions.
  9. Good luck with your...ahem... “movement.”
  10. We are real contenders now. 5-3 and tied for the AFC East lead at the halfway point. 4 games left against division opponents (two against the flaccid sea mammals). It is there for the taking. The injury situation is not all that dire. The CB group is back to where we need it and the OL will improve too. Kyle worries me, but you do what you can.
  11. Oh, I hope it's not K. Williams. I guess we'll know pretty soon what his real prognosis looks like.
  12. Jay’s son has this friend named Andy whose parents seem like real softies. Find some way for them to adopt you—then they’ll probably just buy you whatever you want.
  13. Aw, we're just kidding around with the relationship negativity stuff. In all honesty, we should be talking about a book called All the Ways Women Make the World So Wonderful.
  14. I was very interested in this book, particularly the chapters on “The Distortion of The Female Perception of Time (including conversion charts)” and “How to Find Stuff in a Purse.” In case you go looking for this book in your local book store, I can save you some time. Go straight the Psychological Horror section.
  15. I’ve tried to fight it for a long time, but I guess it’s time for me to embrace my schmuck heritage. My name is gringo starr and I’m a schmuck.
  16. Here's the November release I'm looking forward to: The Descendants I'm guessing this will show up in Mark's independent movie post.
  17. You seem to know a little bit about this stuff, so I'll ask you: Why, when I ask my girlfriend if she's ready to go, does she say "YES" but then 20 minutes later she's still not ready and now she's upstairs doing who the hell knows what? Why couldn't she just say "no it'll be a little while?" I mean, I'm sitting down here with my coat on feeling like a shmuck and we're late. Why?
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