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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Check out this study: bulging discs are normal The typical experience of chronic back pain sufferers goes like this: History of intense pain, spasms, reduced physical activiy. Go to the doctor. Get MRI. In most cases the imaging will reveal some kind of disc "abnormality." The doctor will see this and make his diagnosis. The fact is that most of these so-called abnormalities are actually quite normal and harmless. They cannot neurologically account for the pain that is felt. The prevalance of back pain has dramatically increased since about the middle of the 20th century. The human back is not that fragile. There is no organic structural reason for an otherwise healthy person to spontaneously be crippled by spasms from harmless activities like bending over, sitting, "sleeping wrong," etc... The cause of pain in most cases is emotional (primarily repressed anger). Once you realize this, your pain will cease.
  2. from page 1 You're out of your element, Donny.
  3. "Sometimes nuthin' can be a real cool hand" - Luke
  4. There is something missing if you only have sex with your elf.
  5. Healing Back Pain by Dr. John Sarnos. This has helped thousands of people. If you are in pain, please at least look into this. Have an open mind. Believe me, I am a very skeptical person. This is not some new agey BS. It has helped me.
  6. A great Onion Headline from a bunch of years ago... [with picture of Jim Carey] Rubber Faced Fartsmith is America's Sweetheart
  7. I was watching the NFL Network special on Walter Payton and I was surprised to learn a couple things about him: When the Bears won the SB in 1985, he was all whiny and bitter because he didn't get to score a touchdown. Didn't celebrate with his teammates. Pouted. It was also revealed that he cheated on his wife blatantly and regularly. And the NFL Man of the Year Award is named after him.
  8. Just a dissenting opinion: I think they're both funny. Dumb & Dumber (Carey) and Anchorman (Ferrell) are very good movies, in my opinion.
  9. Thanks and join us again next week for another episode of “Obscure Sub-Categories of Niche Bigotry” when we will explore the essential characteristics and range of applicability of the term “Hoagy.”
  10. "I can handle things, I'm smaht. Not like everybody says. Not dumb, I'm smaht, and I want respect!"
  11. When I first opened the link, I just saw her face. Then I started scrolling down. This apparently mousy girl with a small looking frame and...
  12. And please, please, no more intro to "Crazy Train" a thousand times per game. Enough.
  13. What?! What the !@#$ is this noise? [EU morons, please see Tom's sig line]
  14. I'll be watching. I think the Galaxy take this one.
  15. Smart. Waiting for that black friday extra discount.
  16. True! Or possibly brandy... "I was stirring my brandy with a nail boys, Stirring my brandy with a nail"
  17. Cool site. They screwed up this one though: WTF? Should have said Tanqueray & Tonic (That’s his favorite drink. He doesn’t like anything colored pink.) These were pretty good though:
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