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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I choose: the stick with dog poop on the end of it
  2. [shakes fist, storms off mumbling angrily to self]
  3. There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell all of you for a long time now, but I’ve either struggled to find the right words or the time was just not right. It’s been eating away at me. Anyway, I don’t want to wait any longer so I’m just gonna come right out and say it: Please shut the !@#$ up. Thank you.
  4. I like christmas cookies. Just sayin'
  5. Old Milwaukee is not so bad. It compares pretty well with the other popular American lagers (Bud, Miller, Coors, PBR). It's nothing special, but it's at least as good as those others. To quote Jimmy the Greek from his old Piels commercials, "It's a good drinking beer." Don't confuse it with Milwaukee's Best, which as far as I can tell is at least 75% sewage.
  6. I mostly drink the cheaper stuff because 1. that's what I can afford and 2. it supports my self-delusion that I like the harsher stuff because I'm, like, tough or something.
  7. Damn, I wish that Chapman !@#$ had put those bullets into his own brain instead of into John Lennon. For me, personally, that event contributed greatly to the entire decade of the 80's sucking monumental ass balls.
  8. I will eat some toast in Bill's Dad's honor as well. I might even have some booze later too.
  9. Actually, I believe that the truly great achievement was not simply slicing the bread, but the innovation to create "twice-cooked bread" or what is now commonly referred to as "toast."
  10. Good question from the comments: Why was the whole family asleep at 4:30pm? Anyway, very lucky no one was hurt.
  11. Inventing imaginary problems to confuse people in order to advance a selfish political agenda The Muppets
  12. What's the difference between a Lamborghini and a porcupine?
  13. One of the TBD legends. A future Hall of Famer. Have a great one! Also born on this day: Fritz Lang (1890) Otto Preminger (1905) Little Richard (1932) DC Tom (2010)
  14. Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
  15. Happy Birthday to a very precocious little boy.
  16. I object to the redundancy of the term, "BCS Championship game." See "American Dodgeball Association of America."
  17. Sad. This garbage should be a thing of the past. It's a very sick world we live in. And by sick, I mean stupid.
  18. Agree. I recently listened to “Famous Blue Raincoat” again, paying close attention to the lyrics. It’s no Katy Perry, but still pretty good.
  19. I applaud your courage in admitting this. I do like Motorhead. I saw them live once. They sounded great. I was right up against the stage on the side. Lemmy was wearing really tight black pants and from where I was standing, he looked exactly like a weeble. Looked like he had two asses, one in the back and one in the front. And skinny little legs dangling from his body like Humpty Dumpty. I don’t know why I mention this. It was very odd.
  20. The conditions are not mutually exclusive. She could very well have had both.
  21. Are you still gonna come to my dance quintet–you know, my cycle–at Crane Jackson’s Fountain Street Theatre on Tuesday night? I’d love it if you came and gave me notes.
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