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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Yup, I share an account with my GF so we can buy once and both have a book. Also, there are other ways to save. You can loan a book to a friend for two weeks at no charge. And if you're an Amazon Prime member, you get free book borrowing privelages.
  2. Book prices vary. Many older (public domain / copyright expired) titles are available for free or very cheap. Many catalogue titles are in the $6 to $8 range. The standard for popular stuff is $10, but still many new released are more like $12.99.
  3. I've read whole books on computer screens, but it gets tiring and uncomfortable. There is definitely a fatigue factor with any kind of back-lit screen. For the long haul, it's much easier on the eyes with good old ink or e-ink. By the way, I have a regular kindle and I love it.
  4. This is my 809th post in this thread. I think somebody should make a film about that. Title suggestion: "Gringo Starr: Champion of the World"
  5. I like it a lot too. It gets better as it goes along. The team of Danson, Galifiniakis and Schwartzman is awesome and hilarious. Unfortunately HBO just canceled it. So that's it after 3 seasons.
  6. Weird. I was gonna say spoon also. One of my pet names for my lady is "Spoonchicklet." Another favorite is "Kukadroo." It's not the correct spelling, but It's Albanian for "wooden head" (i.e., idiot).
  7. Considering the man he is, it's kind of fitting that his sentence should be convoluted, unpopular and full of ****.
  8. My grandfather used to always say, in a dismissive way whenever he disagreed with you, “ah, you’re Dutch!” I never knew what the hell he was talking about.
  9. It says something about the overall package that she can be a flatulent necrophile and yet still attractive.
  10. When I was a kid, there was a brief time when I was convinced that the most beautiful woman in the world was Erin Gray from Buck Rogers.
  11. It's true. I'm practically a poop ninja. What's the market for this? People with very short arms?
  12. Yup, she qualifies. Weird looking face, annoying as hell. Yet, somehow sexy, especially in White Men Can't Jump.
  13. I bet you can't say that 10 times fast... ...at work, loudly.
  14. Me too. Actually, if there were a category of famous ugly girls I would do, she'd be at the top.
  15. Uhhh, yeah... the end that doesn't have poop on it.
  16. Yeah, you're right. She is much cooler than the rest. Maybe take out Gina Gershon and put Fergie in her place.
  17. Just barely 10. Madonna 9. Courtney Love 8. Lady Gaga 7. Jessica Simpson 6. PJ Harvey 5. Gina Gershon 4. Amy Winehouse 3. Paris Hilton 2. Bjork 1. Michelle Rodriguez
  18. Once again a young fool, in his haste, eager for glory, grabs the wrong end of the poopstick.
  19. I would like to propose a name: The "Paul/Mira Sorvino phenomenon."
  20. You might be right. She can look really hot at some angles, but if you threw a bucket of water on her, she might turn into this.
  21. Hmmm... I'm surprised at all the indignance. I'd nail the kooky broad. Sure she's a wreck and a public menace, but I kind of like the freckly redhead thing. And she's still got about 3 or 4 minutes of bloom left on that rose.
  22. The poopstick decides all! to the poopstick.
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