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Posts posted by Cugalabanza

  1. 11 minutes ago, B-Man said:


    Of course I am not surprised.


    Still, it's a phenomenon I don't understand.  I'm not trying to take away anyone's rights, it's just not for me.  If I find myself with a little extra money & am looking to make a flashy impulse purchase, I'd rather buy a new guitar.



  2. 6 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Yes, and this stupidity originates in SJW and PC attitudes.


    I understand what you're saying, but I'm more concerned with the more fundamental stupidity where people are so stupid, they can't identify a square root symbol and think it's a drawing of a gun.  That's the part that's funny.  You're fixating on the damp corner of the basement view, which is less interesting and unfunny.

  3. 9 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    Posted without comment.


    Students in Louisiana thought this math symbol looked like a gun. Police were called


     A discussion among students at Oberlin High School in Oberlin, La., about a mathematical symbol led to a police investigation and a search of one of the student’s homes, according to the Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office.

    n the afternoon of Feb. 20, detectives investigated a report of terroristic threats at the school, where they learned that a student had been completing a math problem that required drawing the square-root sign.


    Students in the group began commenting that the symbol, which represents a number that when multiplied by itself equals another number, looked like a gun.


    (Excerpt) Read more at miamiherald.com ...


    Holy ****


    :lol: or :cry:?  Maybe both.

  4. 1 minute ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    Well, that's apparently because you think there is something wrong with having history tied to Europe, and talking about that history; especially is that thing holding that history is a positive, even more especially if the person is a public figure appointed by Trump who supports the president.


    And I know this to be true because you think what he did was wrong.



  5. 6 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    Well, considering that Sessions didn't describe anything as "white", you're wrong.


    And, again, it's OK for things to have their history tied to Europe, and it's OK to talk about that history.  It's even OK to acknowledge positive things about that history.  Even if you're a public figure.  Even if you're a Republican.  Even if you're a Trump appointee.  Even if you're a Trump supporter.


    The !@#$s are the ones attributing even a drop of malice to Sessions over this, not Jeff Sessions.


    I wouldn’t call it malice from Sessions.  I’d call it being tone deaf and insensitive.

  6. 43 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    History isn't inclusive, it's history.  It's OK to have history, and it's OK to acknowledge that history.






    My objection is that I think Session isn’t just referencing a piece of history. I think he’s implying something about the Present, in terms of how things ought to be.  It’s a fetishising of an ideal that is conspicuously...white.

  7. I knew I'd sort of take a hit one this one. :lol:


    I still feel that Sessions' words were problematic.  I know I'm alone on that here.  I understand how people are fed up with oversensitivity.  I get that.  I just feel like "Anglo-American Heritage" as used here excludes some certain people.  And Sessions has a history of being seen as insensitive about this stuff, so he should be more self aware.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Koko78 said:


    It's only racist if one is a moron who has no understanding of the history of where the word 'Sheriff' came from.


    I understand the history and the etymology.  I still think it's coded.  You're speaking to a bunch of sheriffs.  Why all of a sudden bring up "Anglo-American heritage?"  If you want to point out the origin of the notion of sheriff in England, you can talk about that, but the way he brought it up, that's skeevy.


    If you are a black sheriff listening to that speech, would you not find that offensive at all?

  9. 2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    I disagree. We have concrete evidence they had the legal cover and opportunity to bug Trump.  


    That's motive and opportunity. 

    We also have concrete evidence they lied about how they got this opportunity (or that they even had it) for over a year. 


    We also have concrete evidence the FBI (lead by Strzok) was "investigating" Trump Russian collusion since July 16... so if they had this FISA on Page, it would be a dereliction of that investigation NOT to bug Trump at that point, would it not?


    I suppose.


    I know it's a technical point and probably a picky one.  But likelihood is not the same thing as proof.  You're probably right that it will turn out Trump was being spied on.  But we'll have to wait to know that for sure and to know the extent.


    By the way, I'm with you about the state of surveillance in this country and I hate what it means for liberties.  Maybe I'm just being a pain in the ass, but I'm not comfortable calling what we've heard so far "proof."

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  10. 8 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    It's proven they had a Title 1 FISA on Page. That gives them "three hops" with anyone he ever had contact with or may have had contact with. 


    That means with this FISA on Page they could, without a warrant, collect and read everything that anyone Page ever spoke to has... plus anyone THOSE people have ever talked to... PLUS a third hop of everyone THOSE people have ever talked to. If Page had say 40 contacts - and all his contacts had 40 contacts, that means they could legally monitor over the 2.5 million people - without a warrant.


    Title 1 FISAs are the most invasive form of surveillance possible. The bar to get one on an American citizen requires them to prove the target is not only an active foreign spy, but a foreign spy who is actively committing crimes.  


    Yet, Page to this day is a free man. He's never been arrested, indicted, or charged for anything criminal or espionage related. 


    We also know for a fact that Page was no longer on the campaign in October 16 when the first FISA was approved, and he was definitely not on Team Trump the next three times it was renewed.


    So why were they bothering to renew a Title I on Page, going through incredible efforts just to get that warrant approved including paying for, then obscuring the source of the information used to get that warrant in the first place?


    Because they didn't care about Page. He wasn't the target. It the "three hops" they wanted. That gave them the ability to legally wiretap everyone on Team Trump. We know they could do this because Page had communication with Bannon. That gave them Bannon and then everyone he spoke to... and we know he spoke to Trump and everyone on the team.


    That's what this is all about. They cheated to get a warrant they shouldn't have had in order to surveil political opposition. 


    It's proven they had the ability to have Trump under surveillance through the Page FISA. And when you look at how the warrant on Page was attained, covered up, and lied about for months it sure does seem suspicious. Then throw in the fact we already know 44 illegally abused this same system to spy on opponents of the Iran deal... I say you could make an iron clad argument in court using just this open source evidence (let alone what IG Horowitz has) to prove, beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt, this happened. 


    I posted this before, it lays out how "three hops" work:



    I understand all this about the warrant & FISA and the hops.  But is there any concrete evidence that Trump was bugged?  I think the answer to the question remains (for now) NO.  Of course, that may very well change, but it's still in the status of supposition as of right now.

    6 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


    C'mon man, you know that the lefties around here want indisputable proof, backed by a signed affidavit from God (notarized by Jesus Christ), before they'll even begin to find new ways to dismiss anything that doesn't fit the approved talking points.


    Well, the right is fond of saying "show me the concrete proof" on the subject of Russian collusion.  And they're right to say that.  This is the same thing.  Supposition vs. proof.


    I think we have to wait for some things to come to light.

  11. 33 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    ...the "lie" about him being wiretapped. Not quite so much of a lie anymore, eh?


    What is the evidence that Trump was in fact "wiretapped?"  I know the assumption is that he was, due to the FISA warrant obtained to surveil Page.  But it's still conjecture at this point, no?  Just like there is no concrete evidence of Russian collusion.  These are both smoke/fire suppositions.


    Unless I've missed something.  What is your evidence that Trump was in fact spied on?

  12. 9 hours ago, ShadyBillsFan said:


    is that why you lodged a complaint to SDS? 


    Fergy and I were joking around and then we both had  over 100 rep points stripped away (back to zero). there may have been one or two others caught up too. 

    Fergy was pissed and stayed off the site for over a week. 


    It looks like my rep number is pretty low, but that’s just because I recently rolled over the nines.

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