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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I think CJ Fair riding around piggy back on Waiters' shoulders is the perfect solution.
  2. Ok, let's end this thing today. I win.
  3. I just made the embarrassing discovery that Zapped 2 already exists. However, they couldn't get Willie Aames for this one, so the canonical status is debatable at best.
  4. I see a lot of potential side uses for this. ...causing beautiful women to disrobe spontaneously? I'm not sure if the science could really work or not. At the very least it's a plausible working premise for Zapped 2. I think tgreg99 could run with this.
  5. I had never really watched this show until recently. It’s actually pretty funny. I think it’s always a good thing having characters who are bright in a comedy because it gives the writers more freedom to be smart and funny. I always like the cheers episodes that featured the world of Frasier and Lilith for this reason. And yes, Melissa Rauch is hot.
  6. The kind of fertilizer I'm used to is the 4-12-0 and 6-10-0 variety. At one point I was sold three loads of 7-9-0 and I was not happy. Now I'd be glad to have some of that back.
  7. One you're probably already aware of that I like is The House On Telegraph Hill. Some would argue that it's not a true film noir, but it seems like one to me. I guess some people like to fall back on some technical definition of the genre, but I'd rather not get into that kind of boring analysis. For me, it's about a certain kind of darkness of mood/feeling/atmosphere and I think this movie has it.
  8. I couldn't make it out today so I decided to just play at home.
  9. I thought about it for my little girl. She is ZED, which I like.
  10. No, she wasn't saying DODO, you mofo.
  11. So sorry,aj. You absolutely did the right thing. I guess let yourself just hurt for a little while, then you can remember him for the awesome friend he was. You seem like a great guy. I'm sure Fozzy had a really happy life. That's really something to be proud of. I'll probably be where you are before too long. My Billie is 15 and a half now. I'm gonna make sure to be there for her all the way.
  12. DC Tom’s square dance calling, while it is enthusiastic enough, lacks true imagination and originality. It’s all do-si-do your partner and grand promenade left and “here comes the judge!” Uninspired and derivative.
  13. I was only ten, but I remember it vividly. Still probably the best time I've ever had watching television.
  14. Congratulations, Bartshan! Don't worry about the whole pain-of-being-a-Bills-fan thing. It'll be fun as long as it's something you do together. Plus, it builds character. Also, cool Tom Waits reference under your avatar.
  15. The picture looks like if they made a biopic about Sean Penn and got Jake Gyllenhaal to play him.
  16. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I enjoy ice cream sandwiches.
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