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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. By the way, it's a pretty bold statement from a guy whose entire head appears to be made out of hashbrowns.
  2. I guess he’s trying to make fun of Gilmore’s hair. But since he spelled the man’s name wrong, garbled the grammar, and expressed a sentiment that is random, hateful and vaguely racist, he really only succeeded in making himself look like an ignorant jerk. p.s., I don't tweet either. All those extra symbols included in these idiotic quotes always make me feel like the humanity has been removed and replaced with cyber-bull$#!+.
  3. Why has this dumbass golfer have so bad grammar skill?
  4. I met Howard Ballard when he came to my dorm room to pick up my roommate (his nephew) in 1989.
  5. Nice work, Beerball. Must be awesome to see your little one grow up & do so well.
  6. gringo starr's "How to draft a QB": Make sure he... can throw the ball very well is smart has poise under pressure has leadership skills wants to win is tough blah blah blah etc... I kind of hate this time of the football year. None of the actual excitement of the game and all of the idiotic speculation. It's a feast for the loudmouth jerks in suits who get to spew their half-baked pontifications. The amazing part to me is how consistently wrong they prove to be and how no one ever calls them out for it.
  7. Well done, Mead! Here’s to the little one. You’re gonna have so much fun watching her grow up.
  8. I fall somewhere in the middle. Happy birthday you two fartknockers!
  9. Wow, that guy is tripping out hard in those woods.
  10. I know. I hope everybody's doing well. I guess it's possible that Mead might have more important things to do right now than log into TBD to update us buncha jaggoffs, but come on...we wanna know!
  11. I hate the universe. I'm sick of it. It's stupid.
  12. I pick April 24, about 3pm. Middle name: Spoonchicklet
  13. I my experience, about 70 percent of most people don’t hardly know nothing about anything half the time.
  14. I almost broke my neck when I tripped over a non-sequitur he left lying there right in the middle of the page.
  15. It’s about time. You’ve been flaunting your reckless disregard of safety regulations for far too long now. I don’t know how many posters have been injured because of your carelessness. I hope you get the help you need so you can be in compliance.
  16. This sounds like a case for disjunctive syllogism... DC Tom is either (A) a murderer or (B) not a murderer The cut on his thumb is irrelevant due to the possibility of racism within the police department (i.e., not (A)) THEREFORE, DC Tom is (B) not a murderer (but he will kick your ass if you say dumb crap)
  17. You Make The Call: State Farm agent Jessica De Clercq I'm saying
  18. Good stuff. I got to see him in person a couple times. He was great. He is missed.
  19. Yup, she's in daycare. She sleeps all night and plays and laughs all day. She's really really awesome. She's lousy at picking lottery numbers, but I think we will keep her anyway. She also thinks I'm really cool--my goal is to keep that illusion alive as long as possible.
  20. Again, the euphemisms you clowns come up with to talk about masturbation continue to amaze me. This is the best one since all that talk about "firing Dick Jauron."
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