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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Have a great Happy Birthday, Millbank!
  2. I offered her a ride to school, but she's very independent.
  3. Here's my little girl this morning in her personalized jersey... And here's the proof that she GETS IT...
  4. I hope my daughter will grow up to be kind and brave and happy and smart and funny.
  5. Boy, I hope the Bills are good this year.
  6. 24 for me. I would have voted for Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
  7. Just a heads up: Netflix streaming just added all the episodes of season 4. This is awesome for me. I just recently finished season 3.
  8. I think I ate one the moment I decided to post in this thread. Sheesh.
  9. exactly. I check out lots of stuff people recommend around here, even if they're half-kidding.
  10. I read this based on your recommendation a while back. It actually is pretty entertaining. It feels like a very amateur effort, but the guy does know how to keep the action rolling. He doesn’t have time for petty concerns like character development or plausibility or what you might describe as “good writing” in any way, but it does move—I’ll give it that. And yes, its flaws work in its favor, making it quite funny too.
  11. I hereby proclaim that from now on Thursdays will be Get High And Post Pics Of Your Hot Female Friends Day.
  12. Now, thanks to the Penn State scandal, you can do the same thing with the word Sandusky. Too soon?
  13. Oh wait. You’re right. In fact, it didn’t even have anything to do with TBD. I’m thinking of a phone conversation I had with my Mom. My bad.
  14. I posted this a couple years ago and everybody thought I was crazy. I was mercilessly ridiculed and harrassed and accused of being a mentally ill jackass. I think it's ironic considering the sentence's cautionary message about the cycle of abuse.
  15. And glad to be rid of Aaron "Screwtop" Maybin.
  16. Rachelle, Rachelle, a young girl's strange erotic journey from Milan to Minsk.
  17. For me, very close between Peanuts and Calvin & Hobbes. C&H got my vote.
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