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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. This is my new favorite suggestion for Trump's eventual gravestone epitaph.
  2. Doesn't help his case. The smirk tends to get away from him in the heat of the moment. He's almost Andy Kaufman here...
  3. I thought it might be interesting to compare the smirks of two prominent, famously-always-smirking ideologues. Who, in your opinion, has the more imposing smirk? It’s Left vs. Right: who brings more smirk power to his respective side? My take: It’s a close call. And they have a lot in common. Both smirkers rock impenetrably faith-based smirks. And both go heavy on condescension and self-satisfaction in their best smirks. The difference, for me, is that Pence is able to convey that extra menace that Schiff can’t muster. Sure, Schiff wants you to burn in hell because you’re a sinner, but it’s too milk and cookies in the end. Pence’s smirk is more sophisticated in that he manages to communicate that not only does he want you in hell, he’ll drive you there himself in the trunk of his car. WINNER: Mike Pence!
  4. Yeah, I anticipated this response. But 33 is a shill as much as anyone. He enjoys immunity here because he's a good lapdog for the prevailing majority.
  5. Hey Champion, don't chafe your nipples dancing around in celebration in your two-tone open-chest leotard just yet.
  6. Congratulations on your willful ignorance. It's quite an achievement. Your bubble just became even better insulated. Soon you will only have to hear words that echo exactly the short, redundant tape loop of insular clichés that runs incessantly inside your own head.
  7. “Trump is a genius! He’s trolling all the cucktards & libflakes so hard, their heads are exploding. Man, he’s playing the MSM like a fiddle. He totally knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s a master political strategist. This is all playing out precisely how he wants.” - This !@#$ing place
  8. Here's the official How-To Guide for posting on PPP:
  9. If that’s really true (I don’t think it is), it would be even more serious—it would mean our pres is suffering from full blown psychosis. EDIT: unless you’re suggesting that Trump just spontaneously invents nonsense as in non-sequitors, just for kicks, then I think that’s somehow even more frightening. It’s like having Jonathan Winters as the leader of the free world. [shudder]
  10. The only thing that would have impressed me more is if Trump compared Sessions to Senator Howell Tankerbell from Mr. Show.
  11. 4. People like me, who don't think about guns all the time because they already have a perfectly magnificent, functioning penis.
  12. Trump deserves credit. He did two things yesterday that impressed me. He actually challenged the power of the NRA, suprising. And, he nailed the Sessions/Mr. Magoo comparison. It's the first time Trump has made me laugh since he said, "I love the poorly educated."
  13. Yeah, no doubt PP is hugely influential. It seems to me though that the tide on abortion might change. Pence might be right about that. The SCOTUS is changing. It seems very possible. I could be wrong, but the guns issue seems pretty locked up.
  14. ...more fourth grader stuff. Bravo. Have you ever considered discussing something without screaming at people and making attacks?
  15. I don't think they're the same. I think the abortion issue (although you may not like the current legal status) is pretty much still determined democratically. The guns issue is hijacked irretrievably by corporate interest.
  16. Sad to say, but the NRA totally owns this issue. They got the whole machine in place, the money, the lobbying, the hearts & minds, the paranoia, etc... It's a perfect market scenario for them. I don't see them letting it slip away. There are already more guns than people in the USA. Now the response to more kids getting shot up is a plan for millions of new guns for teachers. I can't help seeing the whole thing as more than greed--it's beyond absurd to the point of fetishism.
  17. Ok, it’s clear now, the guitar dorks are just as dorky as the gun dorks.
  18. If I were playing that guitar at my place of work while masturbating into a plant while in the presence of people who report to me, I might get famous for a minute. EDIT: Who am I kidding? I don't have anybody who reports to me.
  19. Oh, Jesus, that's terrifying.
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