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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Cutler is a very good QB. I think he’s very much one of those second tier guys. He’s not Rogers or Peyton or Brady or Brees, but he is still in that upper half of franchise QB’s. Last night was a stinker for sure, but he will get it on track and win games for the Bears. As much as I like and believe in Fitz, the jury is still out. I think he needs to produce a greater body of work before we can grant the same kind of mulligan.
  2. They did have replay at the time. They took a while looking it over and finally... made the right decision. It pains me to say it, but the blame goes not to the refs but to the Bills special teams.
  3. Yeah, I completely would have understood it if he took this one off to be with this family. I hope he's doing ok. I can't imagine what it must feel like. My heart goes out to him & his family.
  4. Good game for USA. And without two of their most important players, Donovan and Bradley. Really got robbed on several chances in the first half. Hit the wood three separate times plus a couple great saves from the Jamaican keeper. Could easily have been 3-0. Nice to see very good performances from Gomez and Cameron (solidifying their spots for the WC) and from Zusi (beginning to make his case). I've seen enough of Tores. Klinsy, please no more. I don't know what the deal is with Jozy, but he's been garbage in all his chances with the national team for about two tears now. At this rate, it's possible that he will not be a factor in Brazil 2014.
  5. Great thread! I think Maybin will revolutionize the pass rushing DE position. In the future, teams will use superfast CB types to just run completely around the protection. It'll be a new drill at the combine... Who can run the fastest 10 yard circle. It reminds me of a bad tennis player who has a lousy backhand so he runs all the way off the court just so he can hit the forehand because it's all he has.
  6. I don't think so. He'd be a fool if he did. The fact that he rounds 79.5 to "70" yards proves it bothers him. Regardless, I agree with ChasBB's comment that the final score will mean a whole hell of a lot more than any Revis vs. SJ stats.
  7. I like the show. It’s fun watching some of the behind the scenes stuff, but I wonder why any coaching staff would want the added distraction of having film crews around. Also, there’s the (admittedly small) disadvantage of giving your opponents a little extra film on your guys. As much as I would love seeing the Bills up close and personal in training camp, I’m glad they don’t go in for stuff like this. Is it just an attention grab for certain egomaniacal coaches and gm's? I can't figure it out.
  8. Bills win big but Fitz does not live up to WNY’s collective revisionist Jim Kelly fetish, so... DOOMED!
  9. Anyway, speaking of sexual attraction to dead frogs... I win!
  10. Nope. I think that's just a stutter.
  11. Why do people say the word "is" twice in a row in certain phrases? For example, "The thing is is..." Or, "The truth of the matter is is that..." It's my number one grammar peeve lately. Actually it's tied with that thing sports commentators always say when trying to identify a "type of guy." They invariably refer to "these type-a" guys.
  12. No. Pre-season performance does not predict regular season performance. That’s a fact. It amazes me that every year some long time fans make the mistake of reading too much into preseason games. Media “experts” too. During the Bills’ superbowl run, they always looked a mess in pre-season. And the ultimate recent example: The 2008 Lions...4-0 in preseason; 0-16 when it counted. This Bills team has enough tools to compete in every game. The difference between 6 wins and 12 wins will be how well the units come together as a team, how well the O and D systems function and how hard they fight in the 4th quarter of close games. My prediction is 10 or 11 wins.
  13. I think there should be an investigation to find one single person who finished in the top 100 in any recent Tour de France who did NOT cheat and award this person $250 million and a golden trophy that says ALL TIME bicycle racing champion. And then all professional bicycle racing should be banned forever.
  14. Without knowing any of the details of the labor dispute, I’d say that things are playing out in favor of the real refs. The consensus opinion is that the replacements are nowhere close to cutting it. The NFL is heading towards looking very foolish come opening weekend. I'd bet they will probably bite the bullet and pay the real refs, whose true value is apparently coming to light.
  15. I just caught the pilot episode of this show on Netflix. Very pleasantly surprised. Really funny and smart. I'm excited to watch more episodes. Anybody else a fan of this show?
  16. Not bad. Some more free time would be nice.
  17. Pretty cool, but if I had my choice...http://greenobles.com/data_images/susanna-hoffs/susanna-hoffs-06.jpg
  18. It says a lot about the consistency of the human brain among different cultures in terms of how it interprets and organizes reality into understandable constructs. Then again, any language can be translated into any other language if you grant that every translation is imperfect.
  19. That was awesome! Yes, Cameron did a solid job. Howard was amazing—he stole two sure goals from Mexico just in the last few minutes. Brek Shea—just seems to shine every time he gets a shot with the national team. I hope he makes the WC squad.
  20. I applaud you, Beerball, for your courage. It takes some serious mantassles to put on green tights and prance about like a precious little dandy boy. I should add that you move quite well for an elderly gentleman. Bravo.
  21. Just curious: Would it be ok with everyone if I go ahead and freak out about this?
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