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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. The extra-enthusiastic hatred of Brady comes off as pathetic sometimes. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that quote. It's sad when you try so hard to hate someone when it's so painfully obvious that you're just jealous of what he has.
  2. Roger Goodell is so lame ["How lame is he!"] Roger Goodell is soooo lame, his ding ding smells like BLANK...
  3. Strip away all the social conventions, masks, layers of deceipt and repression and you are likely to find, not so much an actualized/enlightened spiritual being, but a primitive infantile selfish monster. I still think it’s a noble endeavor, “finding oneself.” It’s just that the reality is a lot messier psychologically than some may want to believe.
  4. Happy birthday, Mrs. Hindsight! You've raised a son who is very adept at deciphering the meaning of events which have already occurred. Cheers!
  5. Obviously, I'd get with her because she's cute. However, if we were a couple, I'd still totally use this procedure against her. Whenever she said anything I disagreed with, I'd be like, "that sounds like your mother's **** talking" or "have you been pumping yourself full of your mother's **** again?"
  6. Funny that the distant universe looks exactly like the solid surface countertops of the bathroom here at work.
  7. We're gonna go this Saturday. I'm looking forward to it. I'm gonna load up on good stuff.
  8. I was thinking the same thing. There's a big difference between being Punk and being just some punk.
  9. I think the real zombie apocalypse is people walking around texting/gaming and not paying attention where they're going. It's clear to me that their brains have been eaten by their stupid devices.
  10. We will, thanks. Actually, she had ear tubes put in earlier this year. My understanding is that this will actually help her while flying. I hope the doc is right about this.
  11. Taking the baby girl for her first plane trip this weekend (ATL to ROC). Should be interesting.
  12. That ass is only 26? She's been putting some pretty hard city miles on that chassis.
  13. Tom, who would you say is the best poster on TBD? And please answer in a bad imitation of a mentally impaired person who just got too much novacaine. Thank you.
  14. This thread will not die. It's a force of nature that cannot be eradicated. Mysterious and all-pervading. Like the nameless eternal Tao. Or herpes.
  15. Tebow looks kinda funny here. Is that the Jets' away uni?
  16. Great news everybody: the meaninglessness of the universe is no cause for despair. If nothing matters, then it follows that it does not matter that nothing matters.
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