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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. I think you should ask Romney if that's how they do it in Mass.
  2. That's just not true. Yes, it's clearly a hot-button issue that plays much bigger than it really is. But it is something that people care about. Men have a stake in it too. Similarly, the gay marriage issue... Lots of straight people (left and right) take it very seriously. Not necessarily because it affects them directly, but because it's indicative of a potential administration's position on what they see as the role of gov with regard to certain personal liberties. ...and in light of the fact that the next Pres. will probably get to name a couple more Supreme Court Justices, which equals a big long term influence for issues like these.
  3. I don’t think it will say anything particularly new or interesting about me or the country either way. I’m 99% confident that Obama has it locked up though and I’m extremely curious to see how this forum reacts. I’m gonna really enjoy all the screaming.
  4. This is just what you want to happen, right. I think it's pretty clear Obama will get Ohio and end up with aroun 280-290 for the win.
  5. I'll echo Stuckincincy and the Dean. And Crayonz. Also, Sketch Soland.
  6. Note to self: roll eyes in grand gesture of bored disdain in 2015.
  7. Funny. http://www.buzzfeed.com/jimmykimmellive/24-headlines-you-wont-believe-are-real-7tf9
  8. Hey, Bullpen. What's goin' on? Haven't heard from you much lately.
  9. That's not unusual for ASL. A good interpreter is supposed to use gestures and facial expressions for emphasis and color. I just thought she was very cute, that's all.
  10. The only kind of science that religious fundamentalism is consistent with is bad science. Religious fundamentalism is all about a rigid, firmly held belief system based solely on fallacies (appeals to tradition, authority, fear, an ancient "infallible" book, etc...) Science, when done correctly, eschews all of these prejudices.
  11. All the obfuscation about tax policy and the inevitable revelations that the math of campain promises "doesn't add up" reminds me of a great Steve Martin bit, circa 1979. "How to be a millionaire and never pay taxes" You say.. “Steve... how can I be a millionaire... and never pay taxes?” First...get a million dollars. Now... you say, “Steve... what do I say to the tax man when he comes to my door and says, ‘You... have never paid taxes’?” Two simple words. Two simple words in the English language: “I forgot!”
  12. I think there's still debate going on about whether it's even real. It's real to me and there's as close as you can get to a consensus among climate scientists, but there's still a lot of people, including prominent politicians on the national stage, who insist that it is not happening.
  13. Curious to hear people’s thoughts on this. I think it’s the problem of hyper-incarceration rates in this country as related to the war on drugs. The so-called “prison industrial complex.” I happen to be pro-Obama overall, but I’m disappointed in what he and Gil Kerlikowske have failed to do on this issue. Seemed that early on they acknowledged the problem and vowed to approach it differently, but it’s been pure status quo since. Obviously, it’s an issue neither side wants to bring up, but even the media seems afraid to mention it. I would have loved to hear a question raised in one of the debates about it, but not even close. What’s the important issue that you feel should be talked about but isn’t?
  14. A rose by any other name would smell as sw--oh wait, bad example. Anyway, it's the same girl. Hey, Lana.
  15. Really liked watching him play. Best post-Kelly QB we've had. Never understood all the hatred. Happy Birthday DF!
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