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Everything posted by Cugalabanza

  1. Well done. Maybe this is the year we get voter turnout over 100%
  2. I kinda like this idea. I think it could help raise overall turnout.
  3. I feel for Mitt a little. He gets constant pressure from his own party to always be more conservative and yet he has to constantly appear more moderate in order to give himself a chance. He's going two directions at once. In that way, he is kind of a master candidate. To cover as many bases as he has and still come off as believable... I think very few people could pull it off.
  4. Pretty quiet in around here today. I think the Romney-philes are not feeling so confident anymore.
  5. I think I'mma start a !@#$ing riot... regardless of the outcome. I've never done that before and I think it would be fun. I'mma loot me a !@#$ing widescreen. I'mma ride off on Ann Romney's horse too.
  6. You should probably ask some of the job creators over on PPP?
  7. I almost never feel this way, but I have to applaud the guy who got the hell out of that situation.
  8. Romney: PA? You gotta be kidding me. That is simply delusional.
  9. Believe me, I have no illusions about changing anybody's mind around here. You're married to it, I understand.
  10. Christ, nitpick much? I'll rephrase it: I believe that the Republicans would have done worse. I thought that was implied by my saying I supported Obama's administration, but I guess there was still room for you to twist my meaning. I'm sorry for being less than perfectly precise.
  11. I don't recall Obama ever saying Romney did anything illegal. He just tried to make the case that a big chunk of Romney's money was not where his mouth is, namely "U.S. investment and job creation."
  12. It's a valid point. I just don't think Romney or another Republican could have done any better. As unbelievable as it sounds to you, I support the way this administration has handled it. The current economic climate sucks, but it was a couple generations in the making. We'll dig out of it, but it will take a while.
  13. Oh man, that's way off. Quayle set the standard. You can criticise Biden for being a hot-head and misspeaking sometimes, but Quayle, wow! I think maybe you need to go back and revisit some of those classic quotes.
  14. It's more than a line when you show the explanation. You can call it a line though if that makes it easier for you to dismiss. It is true though.
  15. Yes, this week needs to be put out of its misery.
  16. From the same article: Reagan had an advantage over Obama: The recession of the early 1980s was caused by runaway inflation, which the Federal Reserve countered by hiking interest rates. When inflation dropped, the Fed lowered rates and a massive economic boom resulted. The major causes of the recent recession were a banking crisis and housing bubble that exploded during President George W. Bush's final months in office. Another difference: With comparatively small debt loads, Reagan was able to push through a 23% across-the-board cut of individual income tax rates. Obama, meanwhile, entered the presidency with substantial budget deficits and an economy contracting at a rate of 6.7%.
  17. Point of fact: It’s Romney who has millions in the Caymans. Obama happens to have a small investment that’s part of his pension from being an Illinois legislator, with a U.S. company which happens to have some overseas investments, including the Caymans. Huge difference. Obama gains no tax shelter advantage. I think they should be changed. I know that the Republicans would never change them.
  18. I think it's an "event" which is about wealthy people networking with other wealthy people. Having a former pres as keynote speaker bumps it up a notch. But you know very well that nobody is there to hear the "expertise" of GWB. On any topic!
  19. I think it's positive, definitely. I think it'll be roughly neutral to the poll numbers though. Team Romney will obviously play it as slow progress = I could do better.
  20. I find it hard to believe that serious investors would pay top $ to hear GWB spout off on any topic. Same reason nobody in the media or even in his own party is handing him a microphone right now. His thoughts are not valuable.
  21. Uh no. I don't give a crap about either party. And I don't even like tents. I sleep indoors in a nice big bed with my girlfriend.
  22. I think Romney evolved too. He evolved from the guy that the conservatives hated to the guy they decided could pander to the center enough to give them a chance.
  23. Good point. Definitely won't disqualify anyone from the Senate. I just wouldn't try to give blood for about a decade or two.
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